Raizel's Awakening

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Golden eyes, dull of emotion, opened for the first time in many years. Suddenly, there was a whirl of, pain, anger, joy, sadness and despair as the life he lived flashed before his eyes. 

Memories of the past, both the remembered and forgotten, the happiness and the pain, the people and the deaths, all he experienced.

But it doesn't last long. All of this happened in a second as his eyes again turned dull and indifferent but the pain and loss, all the emotions still there in the depths of his golden eyes for a second longer, but gone soon after as if an illusion. 

Raizel glanced through the familiar cave. The one in whom he closed his eyes the last time he was conscious. How long has it been since then? He was quick to clear his mind as there were more pressing matters at hand.

Using his spiritual energy he entered his spiritual sea to understand whether or not his rest had alleviated the damage caused by his battle with the devil king. 

Floating cross-legged, he inspected his meridians. Each one was very robust, pale golden energy circulated within. This golden energy flowed along the meridians and out of the acupressure points, entwining, melding and converging at a very large sea. This was his sea of consciousness.

"It looks smaller." Raizel noted.

In accordance with his realm of cultivation, His sea of consciousness was more akin to an ocean filled with the purest spiritual essence swaying with immense power. However, after his battle with the Devil King and him sealing the Devil World, his abundant sea of consciousness had dried up. 

There was not a drop of spiritual essence left. It was a hopeless situation for most cultivators. Without the sea of consciousness, the Dao tree would crack and dry up as well. 

Raizel had to use all the herbs, pills and treasures he had to sustain himself till he activated the Southern Seven Swords Energy Absorption Array. His only blessing was that his meridian was not injured or the energy would have no channel to enter his sea of consciousness.

Raizel sighed. Luckily the hard part had been done. Even though his sea was not as big as it used to be. Accumulating energy through cultivation would take care of the rest.
As long as he takes it easy and does not expend more energy than he should, in a few years he will return to his former state.

To recover to this extent shows how powerful the Southern Seven Sword Energy Absorption Array truly is. 

No wonder the Nine Sins Sect had destroyed the Southern Seven Sword Sect just to get their hands on it. It was a terrible massacre, not even dogs or a single grass was spared. Who would have thought that the formation would fall into his hands? 

Within the sea of consciousness of golden lights, lay different plants. Some were saplings, Some had little leaves and branches, some were large flowers and some had borne fruits.

In the middle of this sea was an enormous tree. It was extremely tall, had a grey trunk and its fruits had the colour of ash but it didn't give off a feeling of death, rather it gave off nothing.

It emanated an ancient and obscure aura of emptiness. A silence that resounded the beginning of the world. A feeling of nothingness. This was the Dao of Void. 

A small figure made of energy that looked similar to himself was beside the tree. He lay his head on the trunk of the Dao Tree feeling a sense of peace.

A desire for his soul to merge with the tree began to burn in his chest. But before the desire became uncomfortable, the vermillion mark on his forehead turned golden and the desire fluttered away. 

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