Raizel's little Apprentice

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The text used for Talisman inscription was not the common language of Terra. It was an ancient calligraphic language known as the Dharma Epistle. 

It was said that the Cosmic Emperor observed the stars for a thousand years. He discovered that the heavens and the earth and all within were like numerous marking pathways. As he was immersed in his trance, he picked a brush and wrote down the 2,500 characters of the Dharma Epistle.

Proficiency in the Dharma Epistle is essential to any talisman craftsman. However, Raizel's master belief was further than that. He was of the stand that the Dharma Epistle could hone your entire temperament. 

But it went further than honing your temperament and revealing your personal disposition; Dao Master Ten Seals, Raizel's master believed that the study of the Dharma Epistle can enhance one's perception and improve one's comprehension of the Dao.

Of course, his peers simply mocked him. The book of the Dharma Epistle could be seen in every store. it was littered around Terra. How could it be anything special?

Dao Master Ten Seals could not be deterred. When Raizel came into his tutelage, he made him spend ten hours every day for 5 years writing and rewriting the 2,500 characters of the Dharma Epistle.

It was unfortunate he couldn't see the result of his ideology. When Raizel broke into the Dao Master Realm, he discovered that as he practised the Calligraphy of the Dharma Epistle, he could perceive insights into the Dao of Talismans. 

His brush twirled like a dragon, his wrist as flexible as a snake. His speed was perfect, not too fast, not too slow. His brush technique was agile and precise as he wrote the character for wind. The tip of the brush which had been like an arrow that left the bow returned to its started point as Raizel laid down the brush.

Peter had been watching him write with his eyes filled with appreciation and fascination. When he finished, he spat out in a bitter tone, "What is the use of making your calligraphy even more beautiful? Won't it still be torn?"

Raizel put away the calligraphy materials and faced Peter fully.

"Don't you have a shop to mind?" 'You came in the morning, now you are here again.  

Peter chuckled, pretending not to see the helpless anger in Raizel's face, "My materials have finished. I need to restock. I will visit Sein City tomorrow. Do you need anything from Sein City or do you want to come with me? There is this good place you need to visit?" He gave Raizel a knowing smile.

Raizel paused for a moment. He needed to buy some things for his new store, Tempest     Town lacked a lot of things. He also had a desire to see Sein City. Has it also fallen to time? "Okay."

Peter watched him for a moment but he could decipher anything so he relaxed. Old Simon said it was alright, so it was all right.

Two boys soon rushed into the store. Raizel lifted his eyes up and viewed the boy that Wren came in with. The boy was on a crew cut and had a large frame, but it was the Purple Essence on his brows that Raizel was looking at. Raizel watched him for a moment before he lowered his eyes and continued to sort the talismans he worked on today.

Wren gave a sigh of relief when he saw Raizel but as soon as his eyes fell on The Old man sitting opposite Raizel, it contorted before relaxing.

"Good afternoon Mr Raizel, Mr Peter.."

Peter did not allow him to finish before he snapped, "Mr? Are you a mundane?"

"Sorry, Senior."

"Start afresh." He demanded, he found no shame in bullying the young cultivator that made him lose his precious castor bean.

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