chapiter eightteen

623 12 9

Friday 8:00

Nobody's pov:

Its been two days and the two lovers, the crybaby and jerk have been having fights every hour. It was always silly too. For example , bakugo came over at 7:20 when he was supposed to arrive at 7 :00 , deku accused him of spending more time whit Kirishima than him and as stupid as it already was bakugo replied whit a "Go CRy AbOUt It"
That was followed by deku ignoring him the whole time he was there . Bakugo did things as throw a piece of clothing on the ground to piss him off to force him to talk to him but deku didnt answer to any attemps and it ended up angrying bakugo more instead.

There was also a fight about an interaction between Uraraka and Deku on the phone and Bakugo couldnt help but follow deku arround just to listen to every word and when deku confronted him :

"kacchan , will you stop it? Its annoying , youve been caught!" *giggles *
Then again that asshole:

*pissed* " whatever just tell that bitch she should stop bothering uselles losers"

... there were slowly tears building up whit realisation in deku's eyes ,he hung up and said.

"Stop crying dammit."


"You are being a drama queen. Im going"

"Oh where too? WHO ARE YOU GONNA PISS OFF !?"

"KIRISHIMA!" *slams door*

Deku marched to his room and continued this time texting Uraraka, trying to ignore the tears running down his cheecks.

The couple made their friends really uncomfortable, the friends who were closer to bakugo than deku were trying to make jokes out of it while the friends who were closer to deku than bakugo or scolded bakugo (Iida , Tsuyu , Uraraka) or were played therapist (hagakure , Todoroki) or choose to not interact in any kind of way in that situation (Momo)

But somehow bakudeku always made up. Wheter its deku deciding to suddenly cuddle and forget about it or bakugo that buys flowers for deku,
They end up making out. Like wow ? Lookin like a bad written wattpad couple much!? The only mistake they make is....

They never talk it out .. they just decide to ingore it.

Now they were in the hotel's restaurant.

Katsuki: "SHINEEEE"
Denki: "AAHHHHH"
Momo: "Shouldnt we help him?"
Todoroki: "the real question is .. who is gonna pay for the damages?"
Katsuki: "DONT COMMEND ME HAIR FOR BRAINS!" *agressive chewing*
Izuku: *chuckles*
Kirishima: ??
Izuku: 'shit that wasnt nice off me.' "Oh sorry , i mean- it wasnt funny!"
Kirishima: "oh oh its cool !"
Izuku: 'cool huh ? Would it be cool if i detroied smashed your head into- no , nope get hold of yourself. Your inner kacchan is showing. God help me.'
Katsuki: "shitty hair get . That . Away . Now!"
Kirishima: "AWWWW PLEASE BAKUUU!" he whined while trying to push some chocolate into kacchans mouth , i felt my face heat up from irritation , trying to ignore it whit all mighty strenght but since the studygroup i have been feeling weird about Kirishima and kacchan being so close . Ofcourse i had my jealous moments before but its much worse now everything they do together pisses me off . Everything looks like an attempt to flirt , everything looks like what a couple would do and everyone seems fine whit it too , ignoring the fact that Kirishima and kacchan had dated!!
To me it was odd. And even tho i remeber being super uncomfortable when Kirishima was jealous about me and kacchan it doesnt mean im going to let my guard down. At least im not cussing Kirishima out or glaring at him like he did to me.

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