Chapter 6 curtis catches waves

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In the limo on the way to
Bramble wood academy for girls

"No Marty! You don't understand!" I say, with annoyance in my tone of voice. "I need you to drive the rolls Royce! My party is in just over a week and it needs to be perfect."
"But poopsie, Your parents told me I'm not allowed to drive that anymore. Not after what happened last time" reply's Marty.
"AHHHH! Do as I say or I'll tell them that you were the man that broke through my window the other night. Do you hear me Marty?! Do you?!"
Ok so I know that was mean but in all fairness he is a huge nonce and between you and me I know the reason he was in jail I will never be able to look at tuna the same way ever again. (Shh I wasn't supposed to tell anyone)

"Ok ok poopoo, I'll drive the rolls Royce but if I get fired you have to shave my crack and if I go to jail again you have to do the crack and sack, as soon as I'm out. Ok?" Marty says sternly.
"Ugh fine" i mutter as I roll my eyes. You'd think I would be more disgusted but this wasn't the first time.

Corn dog meets me at the school gates talking under her breath in a rush.
"Speak up corn dog! I don't have all day!"
"I-I- he needs you to go to-" she trembles
"Who?! Ffs corn I know you have like major issues but that doesn't mean you don't get to speak properly I'm literally an MBE you know. Have some respect." Seriously who does she think she is. Jeez the Pope will be hearing about this, he will not be happy with her.

Suddenly Gertie comes running up, "Miranda you'll never guess what Curtis is waiting in the Corsa in the far side of the car park, hurry before one of the teachers sees you"
I run as fast as I can to his car but as I am doing so I can't help but think "what's he doing in a Corsa? He must not have got a Boohoo man collection after he got out the villa. Literally so povo lol. Wait am I being kidnapped right now? Why else would he be picking me up in a Corsa"

 Wait am I being kidnapped right now? Why else would he be picking me up in a Corsa"

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"Heyyy mamas" he begins as I approach the car.
"Hop in, you're about to embark on a ride of a lifetime"
"But Curtis where are we going? I can't just skip school" I pointed out.
"Don't be silly! It'll be fun. Get in."
I give him an unsure look.
"Pleaseeeee! For me 🥺🥺" he begged.
"Ok fine pedo boy" I fumed as I slung my bag inside the car.

"Ok fine pedo boy" I fumed as I slung my bag inside the car

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So... where are we going? Because I've gotta be home by 4 at the latest." I ask.
"Up my bum" Curtis replies
I am not impressed and hit him hard on the arm as he's driving and we swerve into a bush.
"Ouchh! I was joking obvs 🙄" he says when we've finally gotten rid of the slight whiplash.
"Not the first time I've landed in a bush though LOL." Curtis chuckles.
"CURTIS WHERE ARE WE GOING" I scream in his face.
"To a nudist beach" he finally tells me...

We arrive half an hour later and as we pull up he starts to strip off.
"Woah woah woah! What are you doing Curtis?"
"What do you think I'm doing I'm getting nakey for the beach." He replies confidently.
"Ok eager beaver calm down" I say back
He makes an a beaver noise and winks at me.

Five minutes later
They are both naked now..

We sit in silence for a moment awkwardly naked together until he finally opens his door and slaps his thigh to get up. "*sigh* right O, let's go then shall we"

We walk onto the beach with deafening silence.
I am trying not to make it obvious that I could see his willy and that I would rather be at school for once.
As we get the deck chairs out to sunbathe another naked couple come running over. I've never seen anyone run naked before but let me tell you it was hilarious. I have to hold my laughter in. Curtis could tell I find it funny and glares at me in complete seriousness. "God what's his problem" I say in my head.
"Oohhh my gawddd! Curtis Pritchard is that you, omg it is! Im a hugeee fan! Ahh can we get a picture?" The woman says excitedly.
"No.. aha no I can't right now. Sorryyy haha." He chuckles seeming very embarrassed.
"Ugh why not! So rude." She expressed.
"Well you see.. I'm naked right now and it wouldn't be good for my brand, you know? Heh heh..Twitter would be crazy darl and ever since the stand-up comedy I did people have been-"
The woman quickly cuts him off
"Nah that's not on. I mean your bloody naked in public! How can you not expect someone to take a picture. You're Curtis Pritchard ffs! It's going to be all over the sun and the mirror anyway! All I want is a selfie, you wouldn't even be able to see your cock, it wouldn't be in the picture and even if it was you wouldn't be able to see it" and then her and who I'm assuming is her boyfriend burst into laughter.

Curtis looks blatantly hurt and just like that I jump in without thinking.
"Who do you think you are! He's still a human! Who are you two to laugh about his cock. Look at yours!" I point to the mans privates, I don't know why but I was so angry I couldn't stop myself.
"Erm why are you looking at my boyfriends dick anyway? Weird girl." She argues back whilst shaking her head.
The rest of the time is spent very embarrassingly screaming with this random woman about Curtis' and her boyfriends willies. It is probably the most in-depth conversation I've ever had tbh. Curtis stands there the whole time looking around restlessly and he must feel very uncomfortable. During our screaming match he must have snook off as I notice him surfing naked just as the woman storms off.

After a while.

We get in the car and Curtis sighs just before he says "thank you"
"For what lol" I ask
"Everything, for coming with me, for standing up for me and my willy and most importantly seeing me as a human and not just a mega mega famous dancer and mega mega handsome love island boy." He says as both pairs of his cheeks go red.
"Haha no probs" I giggle back.
Wow he really admires me huh 😏 after all why wouldn't he I'm litro his saviour.
We get home and I run (not naked this time) through the my huge private property gates.
I look back at him and he smiles bashfully whilst nodding his head like "yeahhhh"
I get into my house and giggle about my ultra crazy life. I wonder how long things would stay this perfect...

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