Chapter 11 curtis causes chaos

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Miranda's POV

The sun shines brightly through the Curtains Curtis broke months ago now, I chuckle as I am reminded of him and his clumsy big boy nature.
Whilst being reminded of this I suddenly get flash backs of the snog we had yesterday his thick white lip crust corners still clinging to mine. I didn't brush my teeth last night as I wanted to keep his clam chowder saliva in my mouth LOL.
I gasp as I see two beedy seedy eyes peeking through my curtains yet again, I giggled knowing the boring day was now about to get fun filled and horny.
I open the door with a wink and run my tongue over my teeth seductively, but it obviously didn't look as leng as I thought as Curtis quickly shuts me down with a rushed remark.
"Ew Miranda what's wrong with your face, does your tongue hurt or something?"
I was about to reply but he again quickly jumps in.
"Quick get dressed and brush ur teeth because they stinky mamas, slap on a bit of makeup too please you look mingers when you wake up ngl. Oh yes and brush your hair I can't be walking round with a monstrosity like that you'll give me flashbacks of Amy from love island. LOL"
I was appalled by the rudeness coming from his big boy mouth but couldn't object because of the water balloons he gifted me yesterday, plus I was intrigued to know where we were going and didn't want my mum and dad to hear me arguing with someone.

An hour and a half later
In Curtis' corsa

"Curtis where are you taking me this time?" I finally query.
"Don't worry about it my sweet treat, we'll be there in a jiffy, or as quick as you can say Curtis' cock." And with that he winks at me with an excited smile on his face.

Two hours later

The two hours with Curtis in the car had been spent in an awkward manner, about and hour and three quarters into the drive Curtis had turned on his Spotify playlist and I rolled my eyes at this getting impatient with the journey.
The first song that played was "thong song" by the glee cast. I was his lips slapping together with every word loudly, making the ick grow and grow. "Get me out of here" I thought to myself.

Suddenly I realised where we were headed, as big bold brightly coloured letters welcomed us into...
Lego land.... Great I thought, just great.
I looked over at Curtis as he tried to stop himself from bouncing around in his seat, chuckling and rubbing his hands together.
  "I fucking love Lego." Curtis ranted
  "Yeah and I can fucking tell" I replied which made Curtis shoot me an evil glare and punch me in the stomach hard I winced but managed to shrug it off because I was feeling a bit scared at this point tbh and you never know when a povo persons personality can change. He could literally turn feral at any second.

As we walked through the Lego land gates, Curtis was moving zesty. His hips swayed to the rythme of the usual theme park music and he flicked his short hair back and made little "tehehe" noises at the other children trying to get their attention and join in with their fun and excitement.
"What the actual fuck." I mumbled quietly and to my relief Curtis didn't hear me he was too busy absorbing the scenes of Lego and adjusting his crotch for some reason 🍆🧐
  But as we approached the rides and saw the atrocious waiting times his mood quickly changed.
  "It's ok Curtis, we'll go on a ride with a shorter que and then come back to this one." I said trying to calm him down now getting embarrassed by him because people were beginning to stare as he stamped around making "wanker gestures" with hands at all the kids nearer to the front.
  "No! No! No!" He growled in my face as I wiped his angry spit off of my forehead. "This is my favourite ride Miranda and I'm not going to let ANYONE get in my way!"
But he spoke far too soon I'm afraid as just as he said that a group of people from a disabled peoples home where brought past us all the way to the front of the que by the Lego land staff. I personally wasn't fazed by this as I love helping others tehehe i know I know don't thank me, im just overall perf to be honest. But I could see rage filling Curtis' eyes and if was in a cartoon steam would have been out of his ears by now.
  "NAH I'm not having that! That ain't fair! I'm Curtis P! THE big boy love island icon Curtis P."
   "Curtis shush!" I pleaded but unfortunately he wasn't quite done. I could see people getting their phones out to record. "Fuck my life." I whispered knowing "The Sun" would be having a field day on his by tomorrow potentially even tonight.
  "HOW DARE YOU! HOW COULD YOU! This is my favourite ride." He bellows.
  "They're literally disabled mate, shut up and have some respect." A man shouts to him from behind us.
With this Curtis turns a tomato red "I didn't know! I didn't have my glasses on, soz to everyone." He shouts down the que.
But people aren't having any of it and boo him, some even go as far as to spit or throw pieces of rubbish. And with that we leave the line. Both ashamed of his behaviour.
  "Curtis! How could you!" I have now lost my temper fully. "I cant believe you would not only embarrass yourself like that but me too. Enjoy Lego land by yourself I'm getting Marty to pick me up." I yell in his big blotchy boy face. "I'm absolutely appalled at you."
  "Please Miranda I'm sorry! I didn't realise they were... you know.. from a home. Please stay we can go on whatever ride you want I promise. And I promise I won't make a scene anymore..." Curtis pleads.
  "Ok.." I sigh as we begin walking again. "Curtis maybe when we get back to mine later if it not too late we can have a water balloon fight with the lemon water balloons you gifted me yesterday." I say with a genuine smile hinting at my cheeks.
  But my smile doesn't last long as Curtis clenches his jaw, furrows his brows and begins his big boy wrath on me ones again. Letting all hell brake loose for everyone too see and hear.
  "Fucking water balloons?!" His eyes almost blood shot from anger now.
  "Yeah I-" I started but he shuts me down again with utter speed.
  "You absolute IMBECILE. Water balloons? Are you some kind of fool Miranda? Seriously? You should be at the front of that que with those people I was screaming about."
With that comment I gasp. How could he be so cruel and in Lego land of all places. Not only that but we were in the Lego friends area and all the little girls were staring.
"I'm leaving you utter chav! Have fun being a little Pedo Curtis! NO ONE LOVES YOU." I yell as I start running for the exit of the park following the signs. I notice people recording as I leave him standing there but I don't care. I hope he gets what he bleddy deserves.

Curtis' POV.

She leaves me standing there, sweating and holding back tears. I see 3 teen girls recording me and almost everyone else there staring me down.
Making me feel like I was standing stark nakey at the beach yet again.
"What you all looking at!!" I scream as I strut into the nearest shop.
As I walk through the doors a table catches me sexy love island eyes. The build your own Lego character table! My favourite place in the whole world 😩.
  I walk over to it picking body parts up and chucking them into my pockets without a care forgetting who I was and where I was. (Big mistake.) I chucked piece after piece in Not caring what I put in but only caring about the overall power and joy filling my big boy brain particles.
The next morning
Miranda's POV.

I got home not too badly last night, Marty picked my up but it did take him too hours to get to Lego land which was an awful bore. But whatever I'm back now.
*Ping ping ping*
Why's my phone going off so much?
What the actual fuck!
Curtis is trending on Twitter! I bet it's about all that screaming in the line yesterday.
I rub my eyes to check im reading it all right.
One Twitter post reads.

"Why the fuck is Curtis Pritchard stealing little Lego bits?"

Another says:

"I'm crying! Just seen the video of Curtis shoving Lego parts into his pockets at Lego land. Poor thing won't be able to make people coffees in the morning in prison."

Someone put simply:

"Curtis Pritchard u sweet little freak."

What the hell is he doing now! He can't ever just be normal can he... I just text him. No don't you dare Miranda they're all right he is a freak! Going off on the whole of Lego land like that! Makes me wonder if he's on his period.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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