Chapter 9 curious curtis

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Before I start, this chapter will be in the view point of Curtis P. Enjoy xo

Curtis' POV

I'm up, out of bed on my morning jog, water bottle in my hand, the autumn breeze in my hair and sweat on my cock. Ahh what a wonderful morning, well I suppose it could be better, I'm so mad after last night! How dare Miranda show me up like that. Although I did have to contain myself especially with her in that Phil Mitchell costume, oo er me lovers.
As I reach my apartment building I quickly question my whole existence. The more I think about it I realise that I am Curtis Pritchard! Why on earth am I crying over Miranda Fergie MBE?
Well I guess I'll just have to find out. And with that I rub my hands together and giggle a lil. I'm so mysterious 🥺
Speaking of Miranda Fergie I actually slagged her off on my Snapchat story the other night, ahh that was funny. Loads of people popped up made me happy. Holly and Phil from "This Morning" direct messaged me on our group chat and we were having a field day calling her a "lil trollop"
But the more I think about the more I realise that I do actually like her. At times I must admit I do wanna smash her Tory face in, but only when she pisses me off.. oh and occasionally when she pulls ugly faces and doesn't realise she's making them.
Ok and I have to admit something else 😣
This is really hard for me to say, especially seeing as Miranda has done a lot for me, like at the beach when she stuck up for me.. and my willy.
But at the start, you know.. of all of this Miranda Fergie business, like when I met her at the stable... I was taking the complete piss 😂 I feel so bad haha omg. But then when I smashed her window that night and she didn't rat me out.
Well that's when I knew. Ffs I truly do LOVE Miranda Fergie MBE. I wanna marry her so I'll be mr Curtis Fergie MBE. Actually I don't think that's how it works but you know.

I arrive outside Miranda's house just before she gets home from school. I see her step out of the limousine and head inside her mansion with sigh. "Hmm I know she should apologise for making me cry but I should also apologise for showing up to her party and over reacting about the big curry incident" I think deeply to myself. "Eureka that's it" an idea flashes into my big boy head. "Imma go buy her sommet, what do teen girls like now a days. I know I'll ask the man at the corner shop."

5 minutes later
At the corner shop.

The corner shop is pretty much empty as I notice as I walk though the doors, the only other customer is an old woman at the back eying up some magic gloves.
I look around for something Miranda would like but i feel myself getting more and more stressed as the shop keepers eyes follow me around. Then I notice why... my face is printed all over the sun with the title "Curtis Pritchard still can't get girls even after love island?!" Followed by a small picture of my Snapchat story 🙄
Panic runs cold through my body as a nervous giggle leaves my mouth. "That's nice heh heh, mm yeah that's nice too" I mutter loudly as I pick up random items and bring them close to my face. The shop keeper and old woman look at me for a second and then get back to their business. I'm such I gangster I felt like saying "what chu looking at" but that might frighten them to much

"Ey up erm man" I say to the man on the till.
"What can I do for you" he replies with an off look on his face. I suppose it was because I'm to famous for him but idk.
"What do teen girls like now a days" I chuckle unnervingly whilst plastering a fake smile on my face.
His face is suddenly very serious.
"Teen girls ey? You don't look like a teen to me. What u doing with teen girls laddy?" He responded.
"I, I no.. I don't.. I didn't" I stammer
"I'm kidding mate, calm your cock, just a bit of bants" he laughs at me
"Oh hahaha ok" I laugh confusedly as I wipe my brow relieved.
"Here ye are" and with that he slides me a pack of lemon flavoured condoms.
I stand awkwardly for a second thinking through my whole existence before paying gingerly. Just as I'm leaving the old woman grabs me by the arm and says "have fun my boy"
"Thank you!" I smile quickly before making a bolt for the doors.

Ahhh I guess I'll give Miranda them tomorrow then, I hope she'll like them. After all the man did seem to know what he was talking about and the old woman's reaction gave me a great reassurance :) after all she was a teenage girl once I think...

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