Chapter 2: Back To The Grind

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(Y/n)'s POV

I groggily opened my eyes before sitting up and quickly realizing I fell asleep at my desk...again. I looked down, only to notice a small puddle of drool. Thankfully it was just far enough away from my homework that I wouldn't have to explain to Mr. Aizawa why I turned it in wet.

I was up all night trying to make up all the work I'd missed while I was in Tartarus. Aizawa wouldn't even let me participate in training so I could finish my work. I've been missing sleep for a while, luckily I'm able to keep my eyes open during class.

Anyway, I got up from my chair before changing into my uniform. I then entered the bathroom, where I proceeded to brush my teeth and put in my earrings.

Yeah, after finding out the Plague got my ears pierced, there wasn't much I could do given that holes had already healed by the time I took them out. So I just thought "why not", and decided to keep them.

After putting in my outer ear and lobe piercing, I looked into the mirror to make sure I put them in right. Looks good to me.

I was about to leave to head down to the common area, when something caught my eye. The scar on my left cheek. If I remember what Zenko told me correctly, Plague put it there just before the battle at the sheet metal factory, that and I've got another one on my chest that he also put there.

My fingers traced the one on my cheek. Seems to have healed up pretty well.

I left my room and took the elevator down to the common area, where Zenko was waiting for me.

(Y/n): morning.

Zenko: hey, kid. Ready to get to work?

(Y/n): you know I am.

???: mornin', Biohazard, nice of you to finally join us.

I looked to my right and saw Kaminari holding a plate of whatever was for breakfast in his hands.

I took out my phone and checked the time, I had just barely missed breakfast.

(Y/n): oh, crap!

I snatched the plate from Kaminari's hands and began chowing down.

Kaminari: you're welcome.

I took a seat on the couch. Jiro leaned up against the back of it and spoke.

Jiro: Aizawa had you pulling an all-nighter again?

(Y/n): yeah, I feel like he's just giving me all this work out of spite. Seriously, there's no way you guys did all this in the month that I was gone.

???: if it was out of spite, it would be much worse.

I practically shot up from my spot on the couch.

Aizawa: mornin'

Everyone: good morning, Mr. Aizawa.

Mr. Aizawa walked up to me.

Aizawa: making up for your time In Tartarus isn't just papers and homework, your work ethic has dropped, so you've gotta get used to being in a school setting again.

(Y/n): y-yes sir!

Aizawa: now, everyone change into your costumes, we've got a big day.

He put his hand on my shoulder.

Aizawa: as for you, (y/n)...

I sighed, knowing I was just gonna get a different assignment instead of joining my classmates.

Aizawa: you join them.

My eyes widened as I looked over to Mr. Aizawa, he was seriously. I fist pumped in excitement before we all rushed to get changed.

The Living Biohazard: Mind Games (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang