Chapter 10: Dangerous Delinquents

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(Y/n)'s POV

Once we received that call, me and Nightflyer rushed to the location Blobulus had given us, all the while I noticed how much faster Nightflyer was than me. I was barley able to keep up as he dodged and swerved through people and vehicles as if they weren't even there. His movements were so quick and concise that it almost seemed like his body was moving with complete autonomy.

Meanwhile, I was hopping on the roofs of cars, struggling to catch up to him. After a few minutes we arrived on the same street only to see 3 kids running down the road with Blobulus and Mosura on their tail.

Nightflyer: something's off...

(Y/n): huh?

Nightflyer: their leader isn't with them.

Just then, Mosura came over our coms

Mosura: looks like he sent these 3 on a supply run.

Sure enough, in their hands were bags filled with food, comic books and various other items. Without a second of hesitation, I lifted my gaiter over my mouth and nose before running after them.

(Y/n): I'm going in!

Blobulus: kid, hold on a second!

However, his warning came a bit too late as I ran as fast as I cut the group of delinquents off and tackled the one I remembered to be named "Fang" to the ground. He yelled in a mix of surprise and pain as we both tumbled, scattering a bag full of stolen loot on to the asphalt

Fang: ah, damnit!

I managed to hold him down for a few seconds, only to suddenly be kicked in the face by Tsar, sending me rolling off of Fang.

Tsar: Tsar doesn't think it's a good idea to get in our way.

Fang: I didn't need your help!

Tsar: really, because Tsar saw you struggling just a bit.

Fang: shut up already!

I stood up and saw both of them staring me down. Upon realizing who I was, Fang only groaned in annoyance and place a hand over his face.

Fang: oh god, he's a UA student

Tsar: it was only a matter of time before one of them showed up.

Fang: damnit, why do you heroes just keep coming out of the woodwork?!

(Y/n): as long as people like you are still around, there'll always be heroes to stop you.

Tsar: Tsar begs you, please don't start monologuing

Fang turned to look behind me, at his 3 partner.


Upon hearing that I turned and saw Livewire running away with the remaining bags of stolen goods.

Fang: alright...

I turned back to the 2 in front of me. Tsar reached into his bag and pulled out a metal baseball bat before handing it off to Fang.

Fang: it's time to get a little...violent.

Just then, Mosura shout to me as her and Blobulus went after Livewire.

Mosura: Biohazard, we catch up to their friend, you deal with these 2.


Tsar: yeah, from the looks of it, it's 2 against 1.

Fang smiled before rushing at me with his bat raised above his head. When he was just a foot away from me, he swung. I flinched and braced from the impact...but it never came.

I looked up only to see Nightflyer stood in for y of me, clutching Fang's bat with 1 hand.

Nightflyer: you brats really don't understand heroes do you?

He then released his grip on the bat bed spinning around and landing a hard kick to Fang's chest, causing him to stagger back in pain. I could've sworn I heard a couple of his ribs breaking too.

Nightflyer: in this line of work, numbers mean nothing. Would 20 chickens be able to kill a grizzly bear? I don't think so. In a fight the only thing that matters is skill, and from that attack I'm guessing none of you have have train a single day in your lives.

Fang and Tsar both looked at Nightflyer with concerned. They both turned to one another before shouting.

Fang/Tsar: RUN!

Immediately, the 2 of them ran away as fast as they could.

Nightflyer: they alway have to choose the hard way.

He took one of the bikes of blood from his belt, popped it opened and drank it. One he was finished, I could see his muscle grow as he crouched down before bolting after the 2. I was too in shock to realize what had just happened before regaining my senses and running after them as well.

Mosura's POV

Livewire ran with me and Blobulus close behind him. In a last ditch effort to escape he made a hard right turn into an alley, only to find himself at a dead end. We finally had him cornered.

Mosura: you've got nowhere to run now, stand down

Livewire: alright, alright!

He raised his hands into the air.

Blobulus: glad you decided to cooperate, now lets get this over with.

Blobulus began walking over to him with a pair of cuffs, only for Livewire to place his foot on the wall behind him.

Livewire: bye.

Faster than either of us could blink, Livewire's body was suddenly turned into electricity and escaped through a plug socket on the wall behind him.

Mosura: CRAP!

Blobulus immediately got on comes to report to Biohazard and Nightflyer.

Blobulus: guys, he gave us the slip. I'm pretty sure he's heading your way. Be ready.

Nightflyer: got it.

Blobulus: alright, let's go

Just then, my phone rang, it was the boss. I answered.

Mosura: hello?

Zenko: everything alright, I'm getting reports of mayhem going on down town.

Mosura: yeah, these kids are just more clever than we thought.

Zenko: alright, I'm heading over. Stay safe. Also, keep an eye on (y/n), his dad will kill me if anything happens to him on my watch.

Mosura: you got it boss.

Zenko: alright, see you in just a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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