Chapter 5: Combo Breaker

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(Y/n)'s POV

Skipping ahead quite a bit, after the 5th battle, as well as a strange mishap with Midoriya's quirk, class A once again came out victorious. Now it was finally time, my battle with Kiku and Chikara. However, before we were sent out to the battlefield, my dad and Zenko walked up to me one last time.

Byoki: you ready for this?

(Y/n): yeah, any last minute advice?


Zenko gave me 2 thumbs up before my dad spoke again.

Byoki: OH YEAH! I almost forgot.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out my moms handcuff bracelets.

Byoki: your mom told me to give you these, she said it was "for good luck".

I took them before putting them around my wrists.

Byoki: knock em dead...of course not literally.

I stifled a laugh before walking out into the battle zone with Kiku and Chikara.

As we walked, Chikara suddenly spoke up.

Chikara: ya know, words of encouragement aren't really gonna help you win this, right?

I looked at him, a little startled by the sound of his voice

(Y/n): well, I wouldn't really call them "word of encouragement". They basically just told me "win" and nothing else...who am I kidding, that's exactly what they said.

He laughed.

Chikara: yeah, my mom would say the same thing if she were here.

He sighed.

Chikara: that woman's gonna kill me someday.

He then took at deep breath and clapped his metal clad hands together.

Chikara: anyway, may the best hero win.

I smiled.

(Y/n): I plan to.

He laughed again, seeming to actually find great amusement in my statement.

Chikara: hahaha, you really are a riot, (y/n).

We arrived at my end of the battlefield.

Chikara: I've seen you fight man, I know how you think, how you move, how you win. Don't think I won't use that to my advantage.

Him and Kiku began walking away.

Chikara: just know 1 thing, I'm not the opening act...I'm the STAR of the damn show.

I just looked at him for a sec as they walked away. For some reason he exaggerated the word "star" in his last sentence. I already knew I couldn't pull my punches in this fight, but this guy...he was planning something.

Byoki's POV

I was stood next to All Might and Zenko as we waited for (y/n)'s training battle to begin.

Zenko: so how do you think the kid will do?

Byoki: honestly, I'm not sure. After spending a month in Tartarus prison, I'm sure he's gotten rusty.

All Might: don't forget who your talking about. From what I've seen, in every fight he's been in, (y/n) has been able to adapt and strategize as he goes and out smart his opponents.

I shrugged.

Byoki: well...I'm just trying not to be biased.

Zenko: well, ever since their first fight, I'm sure that Kiku girl's gotten stronger.

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