Chapter 7: Much Needed Rest

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(Y/n)'s POV

Recovery Girl: you took quite the beating in your battle. You're lucky you're still able to walk, though not at this particular moment. I've healed you as much as I can, but the rest will have to be natural. You'll be sore for a while, but it should subside enough by the end of the weekend.

(Y/n): thanks, Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl: I'm just doing my job.

She began to walk out of my room before turning back one last time.

Recovery Girl: now I want you to be more careful from here on out, I don't need another reckless student always getting himself thrown in the infirmary.

Recovery Girl took her leave, allowing me and Zenko to sit in silence for a couple of minutes. After our joint training exercises, I was left pretty banged up. Being knocked though a few concrete walls left me with 3 broken ribs, a torn muscle in my leg, a dislocated shoulder, a cracked shoulder blade, a broken humerus, and a variety of bruises in various places. Luckily Recovery Girl was able to fix me...mostly, but I was still in tremendous pain.

Chikara and Kiku managed to get out relatively unscathed...for the most part. Thankfully, as the 3 of us were being wheeled off the the infirmary, Momo took those ampules, which I'm surprised didn't break during the battle, and gave it to them, AND IT WORKED! The 2 of them woke up around an hour later.

Zenko then broke the silence.

Zenko: well, I doubt you'll be going anywhere, I'll be down stairs. Call me if ya need anything.

(Y/n): yeah sure, but can you do me a favor?

He turned to me.

Zenko: of course, whatcha need?

(Y/n): keep Ashido from coming to this floor.

He stifled a bit of a laugh before giving me a thumbs up and walking out, shutting the door behind him. Yeah, after showing off my skills in ballet dancing, Ashido was more than a little peeved that I'd lied about not being able to dance. The moment she saw me, she began berating me for being a "big, fat, stupid liar". Of course at the time, I was in too much pain to care. However, she wouldn't let up, leading to her having to be dragged away from me by my dad and Zenko.

Just then, my phone began to ring from my nightstand where I'd set it down. I looked around for anything I could possibly use to push the button to answer, but to no avail. I looked towards my phone before shuffling over and just barely tapping the button with my nose, as well as the speaker button.

(Y/n): hello?

I then heard my mom's voice on the other end of the line.

Nemuri: hi sweetie, how're you feeling?

(Y/n): like crap.

She giggled.

Nemuri: yeah, I'm not feeling to great either.

(Y/n): so how's my new baby brother...or sister?

Nemuri: they're fine...

I heard her take a deep breath.

Nemuri: they haven't even been born yet and they're still a handful...not as much as you were though.

I let out an audible groan, knowing exactly where this was heading, but given both of our current circumstances...I decided to let her ramble.

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