Chapter 8: Sidekicking

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(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a couple of weeks since that strange occurrence in the middle of the night. After experiencing that, I was absolutely terrified. However, certain variables such as my balcony door and curtains being shut as well as no kind of trace being left behind by a possible intruder. I just chalked it up to being a bit of sleep paralysis.

Anywho, after awhile of having it shut down, the UA staff decided to reinstate the internship program for first years, this time requiring everyone to be a part of a hero agency. You can probably just go ahead and guess who I picked.


...I mean who else was I gonna pick?

Me and Zenko were currently heading over to his agency. Apparently there was a certain mission that Zenko thought I'd be "decent" help with, his words not mine.

(Y/n): so...what's all this about anyway, can't you and you're sidekicks handle this kind of thing without me?

Zenko: well, for this particular job, we could use a...younger perspective, to say the least.

(Y/n): wait, what exactly is this mission anyway?

Zenko: I'll tell you after you get your uniform on and meet my best sidekicks.

We entered the building where I proceeded to get changed before meeting with Zenko in the lobby, where 3 of his sidekicks were standing in a row.

The one on the far left was a man who's body seem to be made out of a transparent, green slime. The only facial features I could distinguish were a pair of large, white spots. No mouth, no nose, just the spots. And I could tell they were eyes due to him occasionally "blinking"

The one in the middle was a woman with large, blue eyes with white irises and pupils. There were 2 sets of wings coming out of her back along with what looked to be 2 antennas coming out of the top of her head. That and the large smile on her face, it was kind of obvious what kind of person she was.

The last one was a man wearing a black cloak who looked to be really pale, like paler than me. His hair was jet black and his eyes were an almost hypnotizing shade of crimson red. His slouched posture and the fact that he wasn't making eye contact with anyone, not even Zenko, showed that he seemed to be the shy and nervous type.

Zenko: well (y/n), say hello to my 3 best sidekicks, The Frostbitten Trio.

The woman in the middle spoke walked over to me, grabbed my hand and began quickly shaking it.

???: oh my god, it's so nice to meet you!

After that she wrapped and arm around my shoulder before pulling out her phone and taking a selfie with me, of course without my consent. She then started tapping on her screen

???: "we got another newbie at the agency #futurehero #sidekicking"

She put her phone away and clapped her hands together.

???: sorry if that freaked you out, I just like taking pics of the newbies to try and make them feel welcome.

(Y/n): well, I was kind of already part of the agency a couple months ago, but thanks.

???: well, anyway...

She extended her hand for me to shake again.

???: my names Tsubasa Shiruku, but on when we're on the job you can just call me "Mosura"

(Y/n): it's a pleasure

Mosura pointed behind her toward the green slime guy.

Mosura: that blob of lime jello over there is San Burobu, but you can just call him "Blobulus".

He raised his arm and gave me a little wave.

Blobulus: yo.

(Y/n): oh my god, he can speak.

Mosura continued, pointing back to the cloaked fellow.

Mosura: and this shy little dork is-

She cut herself off when she realized that he had somehow fallen asleep standing up. Mosura marched over to him and shook him awake.

Mosura: hey Nightflyer, we're doing introductions, WAKE UP!

This guy, apparently name "Nightflyer", shot his eyes open and began looking around frantically.


Mosura: you fell asleep again, that's what's going on.

She turned to me.

Mosura: sorry, he tends to be a total night owl.

Zenko: alright, now that we're through with introduction we can talk about what's actually going on. In my office, now.

We all gathered in Zenko's office where he began typing on his laptop before turning it to face the 4 of us. On the screen was a picture of 4 boy who looked to be around my age who seemed to be running away from a combination of heros and police units.

Blobulus: uh, what're we looking at here, boss.

Zenko: our agency has been tasked with finding and capturing these 4 boys.

Nightflyer: so is this another JDOR?

Zenko: yeah.

(Y/n): hold on, a what?

Mosura: "Juvenile Delinquents On the Run"

(Y/n): oh...

Zenko: these 4 aren't just any juvenile delinquents. They're a small gang that's managed to avoid capture from hero and police alike...even pros. They call themselves "The Back-alley Hellions".

(Y/n): but they're just a bunch of teenagers, how much chaos can they possibly cause?

Zenko: that's the thing...they're not in the market to make chaos. From all the reported case, all they've done is shoplifter and vandalize properties.

Mosura: alright, so who are they? Any details?

Zenko: I was just about to get to that. Despite their small numbers this 4 have proven to be incredibly allusive due to their quirks.

He zoomed in on the picture, specifically of a boy wearing a black hoodie with a yellow lightning pattern on it and goggles.

Zenko: first up is Subayai Raiton, but the rest of the group call him by the name "Livewire". His quirk allows him to freely travel along electrical currents, making any plug outlet nearby an easy escape route.

He then scrolled over to the next member. He had short, dirty-blonde hair and looked to be wearing a black body suit.

Zenko: next up is Wakai Bakuhatsu, better known to his friends as "Tsar". His quirk is called Self-Destruction. It allows him to convert his sweat into a nitroglycerin like compound and ignite it, causing a massive explosion that envelops his entire body.

(Y/n): hm, so his quirk works kinda like Bakugo's.

Zenko moved on to a boy with dark brown hair wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses.

Zenko: this next one is a bit strange. Muteki Karada, but the rest of them call him "Fang". His quirk is Hyper-Regeneration. If he loses a limb or gets injured in battle he can instantly recover from it. However, it doesn't end there. If he's blown to pieces he can still regenerate from it, as long as there's a microscopic piece of him remaining, he can come back from it.

Blobulus: woah.

He then turned our attention to a boy with brown hair wearing a navy blue cloak. This guy looked a bit odd, I think it was his eyes. His left eye was hazel while the right was a striking shade of baby blue.

Zenko: lastly we have their leader. Morgan Bellrose. The problem here is that we know almost nothing about this kid, not even his quirk. Just his appearance and alias, "The Silent Eye". You can probably guess why that's his nickname.

(Y/n): so what now?

Zenko: we go out and track these brats down, bring them in and show them that this life isn't for them. They're very active in this area so let's head out on patrol. Split up!

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