Chapter 6: What I've Learned

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(Y/n)'s POV

After barely making my grand escape, I took a moment to breath as I slumped against a wall in exhaustion. I held my leg where Chikara grabbed it before slamming me into the ground.

(Y/n): damn, that guy's got a grip on him.

My body ached, after just 2 attacks from Chikara I was almost down for the count. If I hadn't came up with that escape plan, I probably would've lost by now. Chikara and Kiku were probably looking for me.

I took a look around, hoping to come up with a plan on the fly. I turn to my left and saw them, the smoke stack towers, the perfect vantage point.

I discreetly made my way over to them before climbing to the top. I quickly took my sniper rifle off of my back and looked through the scope.

(Y/n): now, where are you?

Byoki's POV

Combo Star: getting a better view of the battle field and sniping his opponents from a far, pretty clever.

All Might: he's trying to avoid Chikara's overwhelming strength and at the same time staying out of Kiku's range of hearing. In terms of brute strength he's outmatched, but if he can pick them off from a distance his chances of winning are greater.

I looked over to see if Zenko had anything to say, only to see him staring at the screen with an unbroken gaze.

Byoki: everything alright, Zenko?

He didn't respond, he just kept staring at the screen with a thousand yard stare...actually more of a 500 yard stare, but I digress. I followed his gaze and saw him staring at the screen showing (y/n) looking over the battle field with his rifle. I reached my hand in front of face and snapped my fingers.

Zenko was quickly knocked out of whatever trance he was in and shook his head to all of his concentration back.

Byoki: everything alright, Zenko?

Zenko: y-yeah, I was just...I was just lost in thought, I guess.

I dismissed to issue and we continued to watch the battle.

(Y/n)'s POV

I continued searching the training ground through the scope of my rifle at the top of my vantage point.

(Y/n): come out, come out, wherever you are.

About 15 seconds later I felt the tower I was standing on begin to shake.

???: 23...24...

I looked over the edge, only to see Chikara and Kiku standing right next to the tower with Chikara aggressively punching the sides. Just then, the tower began leaning over before beginning to fall over. I immediately jumped off and landed a few feet away from Chikara and Kiku just as the tower crash to the ground, kicking up a bunch of dust in the process.

(Cue the music)

I looked up and saw Chikara standing there with his cocky smile. I speedily grabbed my rifle, aimed it at him and fired. One of my virus filled darts sailed through the air towards him only for Chikara to block it with one of his metal gauntlets.

Chikara: ya done yet?

I groaned in annoyance, before throwing my rifle to the side and charging at him.

(Y/n): hand to hand combat it is then!

I launch toward Chikara with a strong frontal assault, landing punch after punch to his chest, midsection, diaphragm, and various other parts of his upper body, seemingly having no effect.

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