My Fault..?

755 12 8

TWs: Yelling, Hint of death, Mention of eating

*“It’s your fault! She was fine until you were born!” The voice kept yelling and yelling. Louder and louder. Aggressive. Pained? Hurt? Crying? Was it really my fault? I didn’t know what was happening.. I was a newborn.. But.. Could I’ve somehow caused it..?*
I shook my head slightly, to clear my thoughts, looking down at the PC. £18.70? Not bad.. I quickly pressed order, smiling softly, looking up at my ceiling. I’ll have to move that frame down, but apart from that, the lights would fit. I placed my feet on the floor, swiftly pushing myself in a circular motion. The chair spun quickly, until halfway around a circle, the motion stopped by a hand on it, and a soft chuckle. “Babe, you’ll hurt yourself if you keep spinning like that, and I’m hungry. Can you make dinner pleeeaseeeee?” I nodded softly, slowly standing. “Thanks Georgie! Can we have pasta?” I nodded softly once more, walking down the stairs conveniently near my room rapidly, stroking the kitten beside me before grabbing ingredients out.
“Thanks again baby~” I smiled softly, lifting the bowls, rinsing them quickly. “Jess wants to shop again, so would it be alright if I had £20 for the morning?”  I sighed softly, handing the £20 to her, smiling softly. “Thanks babe! You’re the best!”
“Why won’t you just talk to me?! I’m your girlfriend!” I stared at her in shock. “You need to get over that little death of yours, otherwise we’re over!”
I swiftly mouthed ‘get out’ to the shorter girl. “You know what?! I’ll just leave! I never actually loved you!” I grabbed the kitten beside me, holding him close, an indication that he was staying with me.
Something came up and I can’t stream today, sorry everyone!!! I’ll try to stream Thursday tho. Love you all :)
Can’t stream again today, sorry everyone :( Everything has been stressful this week, but I’ll definitely stream Friday!!! Thanks everyone :)
Dream: George, just tell me what happened!
You: I can’t yet, Dream. I’m sorry…

Words: 339

A/N: I know said it'd be released tomorrow, but I'm going to be busy tomorrow and the same next week, so first three chapters will be released on Friday's instead of Saturday, but after that it'll be Saturday when it's released :)

Also ignore the cover photos. They won't be related to the story-

Total word count: 404

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