A Mix Of Emotions

419 11 1

TWs: Alot of cursing, homophobic name, mentions of abuse, hints of PTSD, mention of drowning, yelling, NSFW photo above-

I ran after her in a split second, throwing open the door. BANG. I froze in place, my eyes full of fear.
*“GET BACK HERE YOU FILTHY USELESS F*G!” I kept running, my eyes full of tears. I don’t want it again. I didn’t want it again. I threw open the door, trying to ignore the caliginous clouds overhead. THUD. I coughed rapidly due to the wind knocked out of my chest.*
I shook my head slightly, realizing I was on the floor, crying? I looked down, noticing my hand on my side, then the pain struck. I was knocked to the floor? Bang. Fuck. I curled towards the corner I was sat beside, letting out a soft scream. “GEORGE WHAT THE HELL?!” I looked up quickly, to see a soaking boy, holding a drenched Patches. “WHY’D YOU JUST FUCKING STOP?!” The light shining from the room down the close hall flickered pink, purple then rested on a warm white colour. A sigh escaped the younger’s mouth. “I’m sorry George.. I just get protective of her.. C’mere.” His voice sounded genuine, and comforting, however I just stayed still, looking down slightly, until I was interrupted by wet arms wrapping around me. “I’m sorry Gogy..” I leant into the hug, smiling softly.
“Mhm.. Sorry..” Another whisper, then soft hand rest on my cheek, gently clearing the tears that were once on them.
“It’s all good Geo-” His soft response was drowned out by another crash of thunder. I immediately lent all my weight into his arms. “Scared..?”
I randomly felt his weight fall into my arms as another crash was heard, and there was a flash of light. “Scared..?” My response was a soft nod, I immediately held him closer, gently covering his ears. I’ll protect you Georgie..
“Sorry…” His soft voice again.
“You’re fine George.. I know you can get scared easily, little baby.” I chuckled softly, receiving a scoff, then immediately getting shoved away and flipped off. “Oi! This is my house! You can’t just abuse me.”
“Our house.”
“We’re not in fucking Russia” I got a scoff in response, the older’s arms crossing. I let out a soft wheeze, the British boy pouting.
“Idiot..” He huffed, changing the lights behind us to red.
“You love me.” I chuckled once more, George rolling his eyes and standing up, walking to the room with the lights, shutting the door once he entered. “Right?” Pause. “George?” Pause. I stood up, walking to the closed door, knocking softly.
“Patches. Dry. Scared.” I heard a soft voice from the other side of the door.
“Wha- Ohh- Patches is scared and you’re drying her?” He hummed in agreement. “Well- Can I come in?” Another hum. I slowly opened the door to the coloured lights, swiftly shutting the door. His hair was resting in-front his eyes, making his vision somewhat blurred. His arms were carefully wrapped around a moving towel, his wrists held by the ends of the green jacket. The older lifted his head, flicking his hair aside. The lights turned a soft purple, his hands wrapping around the towel tighter. Bang. Another flash.. Another flinch.. Another attempt to escape.. The thoughts were interrupted by soft humming. My eyes met the smaller’s face, his eyes looking afraid, however he was too focused on the ball of fluff to care.
“It’s alright Patches..” His soft voice once more. It was obvious he was trying not to have his voice noticed by myself.
“It’s alright Patches..” Once again, a whisper. Sorry Clay.. I’m not comfortable speaking this much yet.. I looked up, the taller looking down, like he was.. Distracting himself? He must’ve heard my whisper.. I hummed softly, trying to get the younger attention. His eyes lifted to meet mine.
“Yes George?” I passed the American the remote, looking for a response. Sigh. “Orange..” I tilted my head softly. “There’s so much I want to do with you, but so little time.. I want to explore with you.. Relive my childhood with you.. Help you with your mutism.. But.. I- We don’t have forever..” I stared off. Forever.. We don’t have forever.. If we don’t have forever, why am I- “Georgie. Tell me. Please” I tilted my head slightly, looking at the remote in-hand. “Show me how you feel..” Orange.. Purple.. Warm white.. Pink..
“N/A..” I murmured softly.
“EmotionNotFound?” I rolled my eyes, scoffing. “Oi. BedNotFound then. Sleep outside!” Red. “Pfft. What? You’d rather be in my bed?” I went to return his comment, but paused. I mean.. It is comfy.. What the hell are you thinking George?! Don’t let Shrek win. I just rolled my eyes, falling onto my back. I could sleep for a week right now. I doubt I’ll be able to though. “Gogy Wogy is tired.” I rolled my eyes once more, immediately gripping the blanket.
The smaller beside me gripped the blanket. “Hey.. What’s up Georgie..?” Cool white.. Purple.. Natural white.. I sighed softly. “You’re probably jet lagged.. Get some rest Georgie. I’m in the next room. Tomorrow we can have some fun!” He nodded softly, smiling widely. “Good night George.” I murmured. He nodded softly, seeming too tired to speak.
*I was standing in a dark room, the feeling of water on my feet. Dr- Clay standing beside me, holding my hand gently. I stepped forward before.. A loud, ringing sound filled my ears as I fell, water swallowing me whole. I tried to scream, water filling my lungs. I tried to grab the sinking hand, screaming in fear. “C-Clay! Clay grab my hand! Clay! CLAY!” I screamed trying to grab the pale boy still. I felt arms wrap around me. “CLAY PLEASE..!”*
Words: 948?

A/N: Sorry for the cringe in this chapter- Also, woo I'm extremely dizzy from doing a Ranboo


Total word count: 999 words aha almost 1000 words-

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