Idiotic Blob

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TWs// Swearing, mention of deceased animal, memtion of choking, unedited writing, cuddling, pet names

"Hey George, I think you'd like the store." The Texan wheezed, pointing towards a store. "Dick's" I rolled my eyes, feeling a light blush creep onto my face.

'Yeah yeah, whatever.' I walked away faster, the Floridian trailing behind, chuckled softly at my excitement. I quickly turned, scoffing at the blonde. 'What?'

"You. Why're you so excited to be in a shopping centre?" I shrugged slightly, waiting for the two to catch up, the green-eyed with his arm around me, the Texan walking beside me. "Is it alright if we get a drink first? There's a Starbucks just around the corner." The Texan and I both nodded, following the Floridian around the corner.

"Just the usual please." He nodded softly, looking over at me. "Have you even been to a Starbucks before?" I shook my head slightly.

'Aren't many in England.. Uh.. I'll take anything..' He nodded slightly, walking towards the store, myself fiddling with the glove on my left hand.

"Have you actually never been?" I nodded once more, giggling softly. "Damn. Well, time to try it!" He chuckled softly, wrapping his arm around me. "You're a great friend, you know?" I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around him.

'Thank you..' He smiled at me before getting somewhat shocked as my phone rung.

"Was not expecting that. How are you supposed to answer..?" I looked down slightly.

'Would you be able for me..?' He nodded quickly, smiling as he took the phone from my hand, his arm wrapping around me as I lent into him.

"Hello?" He softly murmured, looking over at me with a smile.

"GEORGE DAVIDSON, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" My eyes went wide as I heard the familiar voice, the Texan hissing at the harsh voice.

"George isn't here. Who the fuck are you? What do you want from my friend?" He snapped back.

"Get the freak here. I don't care who you are. Give me my so-" He swiftly hung up, rolling his eyes.

"Fucking idiot.. You aren't some freak.. You're my best friend.." I tightly wrapped my arms around the Texan, his hands rubbing my back. I heard the Floridian walking back, himself slightly gasping as he saw us, quickly putting the drinks down and wrapping his arms around us both.

"Hey.. What's happened..?" He spoke with a soft voice I couldn't process. I knew there was talking, but I didn't know what. "George, are you alright? Do you want to go home? Why do you have George's phone?"

'I'm alright.. Just- Just zoned out.. I don't want to go home yet.. I want to get stuff.. Please.." He nodded softly. 'Sap was answering a call for me..'

"What happened on it..?" He murmured, softly playing with my hair.

"Just- Just someone being an idiot.. It doesn't matter Clay.." He tilted his head slightly, nodding.

"Wanna go look at pets?" I perked up immediately, nodding as I grabbed the drink from the floor, bolting towards the store.

"George chill!" The Floridian wheezed, running after me, the Texan being left to take the drinks. I waited for the rest, sipping on the drink, before it got knocked to the floor, myself falling and wheezing and coughing from the drink going down the wrong way. "Shit are you alright?" He stopped wheezing, patting my back gently as I giggled, coughing still. "I'm so sorry!" I just laughed, causing him to look at me in confusion.

'You're a dick!' I wheezed softly, pushing myself up. 'I get your drink though. You spilt mine!' He rolled his eyes softly, taking the drink from the Texan, helping me up before handing it to me.

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