I Love You Clay..

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TWs//Gore/mention of blood, I don't want to spoil the ending, so just like know there's a lot of gore and stuff after the time skip, swearing wooo
“We’re here..” I mumbled softly, the Brit raising his head. “What do you think George?”
‘Pretty..’ I smiled and nodded, opening my door and swiftly rushing to the other side, opening the door for the older. ‘You know what, I take it back. I’m not forgiving you.’ He glared into my eyes, before stepping out, myself releasing a shaky sigh.
“It’s a bit of a climb, and it’ll be dusty.. Do you want anything to help? I’m going to be wearing a mask, as you can assume..” He scoffed slightly, shaking his head.
‘I’m never wearing those stupid masks again! We still have to wear them in the airport..’ I wheezed softly, my hand locking with his.
“I know. I know.. Come on! We need to be quick and quiet!” He nodded softly, before us both began running into the building, hands inter-locked. “Stay to the left George.” I whispered to him as we began rushing up the staircase.
“Dark..” He whispered back, his grip tightening on my hand as he turned to face me, stopping us in the spot as he rest his head on my shoulder for a few seconds.
“You’re adorable.. Come on, we need to go George..” He nodded softly, before continuing to climb up, occasionally hiding his face in my arm when any areas got particularly dusty. Every time he hid his face, I felt a smile creep onto my face. “Regret not bringing a mask yet, George?” I wheezed softly, the older pouting and jumping a few steps up, in order to be ahead of me. “George, you aren’t faster than me. You should know that by now.”
‘I don’t care. Shut up Clay. I just want to get to the top, it’s dusty and it’s making my nose hurt.’ I scoffed slightly, the older pouting once more.
“That’s why you should’ve gotten a mask, instead of just waltzing in, like an old abandoned building wouldn’t have dust in it.” His eyes somewhat went wide at my words.
‘What the fuck? Clay! Why are we in an abandoned building?! What if we get killed or something?! What if it breaks and falls! Wh- What if-’ The older quickly got cut off by his own sneezes.
“George.. Relax, we’re safe. I know this area well.” I chuckled softly, the older scoffing.
‘You better know this area well, otherwise you’re sleeping outside. I don’t like all this dust!’ I once again rolled my eyes, the Brit rushing up the stairs.
“Oi! Get back here Gogy!” I chuckled lightly, rushing after the Brit, who I quickly lost sight of. “George? Where are you?” I murmured, expecting the boy to jump out at any moment. Before I could call the older’s name again, a small scream came from further up the stairs. “George?!” I quickly bolted up the stairs, looking around for the older, before I wrapped my arms around him. “I’m here George.. Calm down please..”
“Stay.. Close..” He softly whispered, before turning towards myself, hiding his slightly trembling body in my arms.
‘You better know this area well, otherwise you’re sleeping outside. I don’t like all this dust!’ I smiled softly, before running up the stairs, quickly hiding in a small crevasse. I waited for a few minutes, listening to the Floridian call for me, before a cold hand lay on my shoulder. I quickly turned around, seeing no-one behind me.
“Get out..” A chilling voice whispered in my ear, before I let a small scream escape, jumping out from the crevasse. Comforting arms wrapped around me.
“I’m here George.. Calm down please..” He gently pulled his hand through my hair, playing around with the brunette strands on my head.
“Stay.. Close..” I whispered, before trying to hide myself in his arms. He nodded softly, continuing to play with my hair gently. I softly tapped the younger’s shoulder. ‘Can we go up..? Please..’ He nodded softly, beginning to continue climbing up the stairs.
“We’re almost here.. Don’t worry George.” He smiled gently, keeping his arms tight around myself. “Are you alright George..?” I nodded softly, just letting him guide me up the stairs.
‘I’m glad I know you Clay..’ My golden eyes looked into his own, his smile wide.
“I’m glad I know you too, George. You’re the sweetest person..”  I smiled back at the taller, my face slightly warm. “Turn around now! Look out there..” I quickly turned, my jaw dropping. “Pretty huh?” I nodded quickly, rushing towards the edge, holding onto the rail tightly as I gazed into the city.
“Pretty..” He nodded softly, wrapping his arms around me gently.
“I always wanted to take you here..” I nodded softly as he moved closer to myself. I began relaxing in his hold, my breathing calming, before I began sitting down. “Careful George. We’re high up..”
‘Never knew.’ I giggled slightly, holding the rail as I crossed my legs, resting my head on the rail as I sat. The Floridian softly grabbed my hand, moving my finger to point towards a building.
“Home!” He giggled softly, his eyes lit excitedly.
~Time Skip because I never finished~

!Gore below!
“Clay.. Can we go..?” The Brit whined, a small tear rolling down his cheek, before my arm wrapped around him.
“Of course Georgie.. Are you alright though..? Why’re you crying..?” He quickly looked behind him, his eyes teary. “George..?”
“Please.. We- We just need to go.. Now..!” He spat out, gripping onto my hand and bolting towards the door, rushing out without noticing he almost hit a lady.
“George! Relax for a second! Just explain what happe- Why the fuck are we in an alley way?! What is going on George?!” After panting for a few seconds, the Brit’s eyes locked with mine.
“They- They’re after me Clay..” My jaw slightly dropped as I sat beside hum, my arm holding him close.
“Who is..? Who’s after y-“ A loud bang filled my ears before I could even finish my sentence, as well as a high pitched scream, as I realised blood was gushing out of the smaller boy beside me. “G- George?! GEORGE?!” I quickly pushed my hand onto the source of the now red lake forming around us. “No no no.. G- George..! W- What did you do?! What did you fucking do to him?!” I screamed, my eyes locking on the masked figure standing near, an empty gun in hand. Their heavily accented voice filled the air, sending chills down my back,
“I gave your friend.. A little help.. It’s what he deserves for figuring out our plans.. We warned him, so there’s no excuse to not have ended his pathetic life..” The other broke out into a psychotic laugh, before disappearing into the shadows, myself left with an injured Brit, who was getting paler by the second, the hole above his chest continuously gushing out blood, as his breathing was slowing.
“No- George no- G- George please..! PLEASE GEORGE!!” His dull eyes locked with mine as his mouth slowly opened. “G- George please.. You’re going to be okay.. Just- Just relax.. I’ll get help..! I- You’re going to be okay Georgie..!
“I- I love you Clay..” He managed to spit out, sniffling due to the tears rolling down his face, likely from the fear and pain he was in.
“George.. George please.. I- I love you.. I love you, please..!” And with that, his pale body fell numb into my arms, his teary eyes peacefully closing.
Words: 1234

Alrighty, well that concludes this story, I'm so sorry <3

If you don't want to read it, but wanna know what happened:

The cause of George's mutism was, yes, FatherNotFound. During George's birth, his Mum passed away, leaving George's father in a deep depression, he was a mean boi, etc. Clay knew this, and tried to help George since he first found out, which is why George trusts Clay so much, and he tries to help him. When they went to the abandon building, mans hid from Clay and was found by weird person. Weird person ended up assassinating Gogy, because Gogy knew they were in the building and stuff. George's last words were "I love you Clay".

Vent ig?

So- Technopog202 aka Lee doxxed me and my friends, so yeah I want a break from Wattpad for a bit, which is why my story is discontinued. <3 I love you guys. I WILL RETURN IN THE FUTURE THO


Total word count: 1455 words

Green Lights *DNF Angst*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ