I'm Here!

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“Sir, are you alright?” I jolted awake, to see no one else in the plane except a young lady, wearing a cabin crew outfit? I nodded softly, grabbing the bag below me, dipping my head in respect, rushing out of the plane.
I ran towards the bags, grabbing the case next to me, and rushing outside. As soon as I was outside, I felt a wave of heat hit my face, but I couldn’t care less at that moment.
Dream: Black ford. I see you George :D
I looked up immediately, running towards a car, looking around it eagerly.
Dream: Other one, idiot.
Once again, I turned, immediately jumping back due to what I saw. A young boy with dirty blonde hair staring down at me. I looked up at the smiling boy, tilting my head slightly. “George..!” I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a small chuckle escaped the younger’s mouth. In response, my arms went around him. “Come on.. Let’s get you home.. It’s hot out here.” I nodded softly, smiling widely under the mask I was required to wear. I opened the door on the left, jolting back slightly. “Pfft- Wrong side George.” I looked down, my face somewhat red, rushing to the other side quickly. As soon as I sat down, the familiar wheezes filled my ears. I giggled softly, removing the mask from my face, smiling widely at the boy beside me. I felt gently fingers brush the hair off my eyes, Dream smiling widely. “You’re so pretty, George. I’m glad you’re here..” I gently and quickly hugged the American. (Don’t worry, we’ll get angst soon. I just want some fluff first :) ) “Oh! I have LEDs in my room too, so you can use them if you wish George.”
“Thank you…” I whispered, resting my head on my hand, glancing outside the window.
“Of course George.. Don’t feel pressured to talk either, alright? Take your time.” I nodded softly, watching the world outside.
There’s a slight shine in his eyes. He looks so happy and adorable. Adorable? That’s not the right word, is it? Pretty? Yeah, he’s pretty. It’s obvious he is.. Those dark eyes, softly freckled face, puffy hair. It suits him well. And his voice.. His British, slightly American accent, that soft giggle he does. Why can’t he speak much? He doesn’t deserve mutism. He’s beautiful, inside and out. I felt a nudge on my arm, and slightly jumped. “What’s up Georgie?” I murmured. I followed his arm, watching it point towards a dark cloud looming over us. I sighed softly, smiling. “We’ll get home before it starts raining, and it’ll be a pretty calm storm. I’ll be here, George, alright?” He nodded softly, resting his head on his hand once more. He looks nervous..? I gently reached over to his hand when we stopped at a red traffic light, gently stroking it. “George.. You’re gonna be okay.. Promise.” I smiled softly, receiving a nod and smile.
He knew something was up. Damnit. Well.. At least he’ll be here..? He’s so kind to me. Thank you.. I looked over at the focused man once more. “Here we are, Georgie! My house..” He looked away slightly, my eyes flicking towards the house. There was a neat garden in-front of the painted wood, a dark brown door set in the middle. The house appeared to have another floor above the one we were about to walk into. On the side of the house ran a metal cage, linking a window to the outside world.
“Pretty..” I smiled towards the young man, exiting the car cautiously. Once I had grabbed the bags out, I ran towards the front door, bouncing in the spot eagerly. I heard a chuckle behind me, before the door was unlocked and opened, inviting me inside. I neatly discarded the baggage to the side, running to the small creature lying ahead. My hand connected with the head of the purring cat, gently stroking her fluffed ears.
“She looks like she likes you already, Georgie.” All I wanted to do was turn every light surrounding us to a green colour. I felt proud. So proud. I was proud of what I had done for once. “C’mon George. I’ll show you around.” I gently lifted Patches, walking eagerly after the taller.
“And finally, my room.” I smiled softly, the older running inside, looking around and smiling widely. I passed a small remote to the boy, the lights immediately turning on, to a green colour. I slowly walked over to the confident boy, wrapping my arms around him, gently swaying. “I’m glad you’re happy, Georgie.” He turned, looking into my green -or yellow for him- eyes and smiling more than I thought was possible. Bang. “PATCHES?!”
Words: 818


Total word count: 831 words

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