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TWs// Swearing like usual, crying, PTSD reference, bullying, wholesomeness what is that, yelling, some innapropriate jokes-

A hand resting on my shoulder woke me up rather quickly, my body jumping. “Morning George..” The Texan softly spoke, easily seeing how upset I was. “Do you want anything to eat? We’re having a chill day, I don’t know about you but I didn’t sleep well.” He chuckled softly.
‘I’m alright, thanks Sap. Unless you can get me something to drink?’ I smiled softly.
“Ask Clay for that.” I just glared at the panda, before he responded. “I’m joking, I’m joking. I’ll get you something. I hope you’re alright..” My eyes lifted to meet his. “Clay’s just moody. He didn’t mean to say that. It wasn’t fair.” I nodded softly, wrapping my arms around him quickly. “Alright alright. I’ll go get your drink. I’ll be back soon Gogs.” He smiled, exiting the room, leaving me to try to process what happened. He didn’t mean it..? He’s just moody? With a sigh, I pushed myself off the bed, walking towards the closest room, my hand resting on the doorknob. Am I doing this, really? I slowly turned the knob, my heart almost beating out of my chest.
“One second chat!” I heard as the chair swiftly spun towards me, the yellow eyes locking with mine. “Everything alright George?” He murmured, watching as I got closer, my arms wrapping around his gently. “George..”
‘I’m sorry Clay.. I’m sorry for ruining the stream..’ I mouthed softly.
“I overreacted George. It’s all good. Do you wanna stream with me? I’m just doing random games, GeoGuessr right now!” He chuckled softly, smiling softly. “Karl is coming here for Halloween too, we’re just planning to hang out, watch movies, that stuff.” He smiled, gently letting go of myself.
‘Alrighty! I’ll join the call!’ I gently ruffled his hair, leaving the room.

‘Alrighty! I’ll join the call!’ He giggled softly, ruffling my hair before leaving the room. That’s adorable.. He’s so sweet.. I just sat there, smiling widely due to that beautiful. British. Boy.
“Sorry chat. Sapnap was being annoying as per usual.” I wheezed softly, waiting for the Brit to join the call.
“BYE STREAM!” I yelled, wheezing at the yell back from the Texan. I swiftly ended the video, turning towards the door, the Brit just standing there and smiling. “Gogy..” I smiled softly, putting my arms out towards the shorter.
‘Nope. I’m not hugging you until SnapChat gets me my fucking drink’ He pouted. I wheezed softly.
“You’re such an idiot sometimes George. Cmon, come with me. We’ll get you something Gogs.” He nodded softly, skipping down the hallway, smiling widely.
“So, what do you want Gogy?” He stared ahead in thought before pointing towards a shop, his eyes staring into mine. “Alrighty! Lets go then.” He smiled under the mask, looking around before bolting across the road, looking back at me. A blue car drove past before I crossed, the older walking towards the shop he had pointed at, before disappearing from my sight. I rolled my eyes slightly, chuckling under my breathe. I knew he would’ve just ran to the shop eagerly. I walked towards the shop, a smirk under the mask. “Hey Go-” I glared into the deserted shop, slightly gulping. I swear he pointed here. I walked back to the spot he was after running across the road, looking at all the names. Fuck- He meant the one inside. I immediately walked towards the entrance of the centre, before a warm mass leant again my back, their arms wrapped around me, causing me to jump.
“Boo..!” They whispered, giggling softly.
“George!” I yelled immediately. “You scared me! Where the fuck where you?!” He immediately sunk down against my back as I turned around to face him, his eyes looking up at me in a frightened way, the dark orbs staring into my green orbs.
“Sorry..” He whimpered under his breathe, causing a sad expression to wash across my face.
“You’re alright George.. I just.. I don’t want you getting hurt..” I smiled under the mask, gently lifting him up whilst my arms were wrapped around him. After around a minute, I released the hold, placing him back down and walking towards the store he had indicated to, my arm wrapped around his shoulder.
“Clingy much?” He whispered, giggling softly. I just rolled my eyes, stopping in-front of the store.
“What would you like Gogy?” His eyes lit up as he looked over the options, his mask moving up with his smile. “Get anything you want!” I chuckled as I watched the older look at all the flavours like a kid in a candy store, only while staying in one spot. After a few seconds, he looked up at me, moving the mask down in order to mouth his order. I nodded softly, the Brit hugging me quickly, before walking up to the line eagerly, myself trailing behind.
“Next!” He eagerly grabbed my hand, rushing over. “Heya! How can I help you both today?” The lady tilted her head slightly with a kind smile in the parts visible under the mask.
“May I have.. One matcha and one milk tea? Both with tapioca pearls please.” She nodded.
“May I get a name for that?” I nodded softly, feeling slightly uncomfortable saying my name.
“G- George..” The older choked out, his hands trembling. I immediately looked over at him.
“Alrighty! Thank you! Your order will be ready shortly.” I nodded, gently pulling the Brit aside, my eyes pricked with tears.
“I’m so fucking proud of you right now.. Well done Georgie.. I know that’s hard for you to do, and you did amazing!” I chuckled slightly, wiping the water threatening to spill before wrapping my arms around the smaller, his trembling body pressed against mine. “I’m so so proud of you..”
“Sorry to interrupt, but your drinks are ready sir!” The lady from before smiled, holding the liquid out to us.
“Thank you.. Have a great day..” I took the drinks, careful of the boy clinging onto me. “C’mon George.. I’ve got your drink for you.” He nodded softly, walking away with me, still holding onto my shirt tightly. As we got to the car, I noticed that the boy just gripped onto my shirt tighter, his body trembling once more. “George, c’mon.” I chuckled slightly, the Brit shaking his head and just holding on tighter, like his life depended on it. “Please Gogy? I’ll let you have anything you want.. You just need to get into the car and put your seatbelt on, then you can stay close to me.. Alright? I just need you to let go for a second..” He eventually let go as I opened the door, guiding him into the car. I carefully closed the door, the Brit leaning against the door almost immediately, his hands rest in his lap once he took off the black mask. I quickly got into the car, my hand resting on his, rubbing small circles into it.
‘I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to get all quiet and scared and clingy..’ He refused to make eye contact, my arm wrapping around him, the other continuing to rub circles on his hand.
“Don’t be sorry Georgie. You made so much progress! You were able to speak to someone you don’t know!” I chuckled softly, resting my head against his, his head resting against my shoulder. “You’re doing amazing George.. There’s nothing to be sorry about if you’re getting better! Why are you sorry..?” His eyes locked into mine. They were filled with.. Fear?
*“Why do you keep trying to make friends?! No one here likes your voice! No one even likes you, especially not your family!” They laughed, throwing my body to the floor, digging my head into the concrete below.
“P-Please.. Stop!! I-It hurts!” I screamed in agony.
“It hurts? What, did you think we were going to make it a nice massage for you, you freak!”*
“Hey.. You don’t have to say anything, alright George..? Don’t worry.. You’re gonna be alright..” I pouted at the scared expression on the boy’s face.
‘Sorry.. I just- No one liked my voice..’ He looked down at the end of the sentence, the smaller releasing a shaky sigh.
“I love your voice, George.. I love that you slightly have an American accent, but it’s mainly British.. I love how soft you speak, how full of love each word you say is.. I love your giggle, the almost constant happiness in your voice.. I love it George..” I felt bad for that I wasn’t paying attention to the trembling boy beside me, but I needed to let him know how much I valued him.
‘You’re the best friend ever.. Thank you..’ He sniffled slightly, giggling softly.
“Of course Gogy. You want your drink now? You can have some of mine too if you want.” The shorter nodded softly, still holding onto my hand as I returned to my seat, attempting to put my seatbelt on with one hand, until he gently released my hand, releasing a sigh as he did so. I swiftly put the belt on, grabbing the older’s hand before he had the chance to move it away, continuing to rub circles in his hand, smiling softly. The smaller giggled softly, lifting the drink and taking a few sips, smiling softly. “Ready to go?” He nodded softly, continuing to devour the drink.
“GOGY. BRICK. WELCOME BACK.” The Texan screamed as soon as the door opened, holding the small kitten towards us. “PATCHES.” I immediately smiled at the kitten, holding my hands out towards her, holding her close.
“You three need help, I swear.” The Floridian chuckled, stroking the head of the kitten before walking towards his room.. With.. My.. Drink.. I gently released the kitten, bolting after the blonde, hitting his back in an attempt to grip onto the drink. “Oi! That hurt!” He whined, turning towards me. I swiftly took both of the bobas from his hand, sticking my tongue out before walking into the guest room -which technically is mine. “George Davidson! My drinks!” I just rolled my eyes, scoffing and locking the door, just flopping onto the bed, placing the drinks down first of course. “George please.. I’m thirsty..” He whined. He sat outside the door, just waiting..

I sat down, waiting for the door to open. “Please Gogy?” I heard a sigh from the other side of the door, before the door clicked unlocked. “Thank you Gogy!” I chuckled softly, opening the door, the lights flicking purple. “What’s up Gogy..?” He sighed softly, sitting on his bed again, patting the area beside him slightly. I -somewhat swiftly- walked over beside him, wrapping my arms around his small body. “Why..? Why are you scared..?”
“Sapnap..” My eyes raised to meet his. ‘I’m scared he’ll be mad at me.. I want to talk to him but I’m too scared..’ My gaze softened as I held him close, his eyes watering.
“George.. He’ll be the same as I was.. We love you Georgie.. We care about you more than you realise..” He smiled softly, softly giggling.
‘Take your drink, idiot. It tastes good by the way!’ He giggled more, sticking his tongue out before standing up. ‘I’m ready to tell him..’ I looked at him in surprise.
“Are you sure?” He nodded softly, smiling gently.
‘I’ll need your help though..’ I chuckled softly, nodded, watching as the lights flicked green. I’m so proud of you..
“Of course! Let’s go Gogy!” He bouncing in the spot slightly, standing in the doorway and watching me walk over. “You’re so short.” I gently ruffled his hair, walking to the Texan’s room, knocking slightly before opening the door.
“Heya! Need anything?” He smiled, spinning the chair towards us.
“1. Why did you not get George his drink.” I pouted, rolling my eyes in response to his sigh.
“I needed you two to stop hating each other for once.” The Brit scoffed softly, giggling softly.
“2nd thing.. George..” He looked up, gripping onto my hand tightly, his eyes full of both fear and confidence. “Green lights, remember.. Green lights..” I smiled as he took a deep breath, nodding softly. After struggling for a few seconds, I was able to hear…
“H- Hey Sap..” He smiled softly, the Texan immediately running over, his arms tightly wrapping around the Brit.
“OH MY FUCKING GOD! GEORGIE!!” Tears immediately started pouring out of both of their eyes. “Holy shit is this real..? Am I dreaming?! Holy shit you’re actually here.. You actually spoke!”
“It’s real..” He whispered, wiping the tears from his face.
“What the fuck! I’m so- I don’t even know what to say.. I’m just so proud of you.. That’s such a hard thing to do, and you did it George! You actually did it!” I smiled widely, joining their hug, just standing there with them.
“I love you both so much.. You’re both the best friends I could ask for.” I sniffling slightly after finishing the sentence, kneeling down beside them both, the Brit staring at me in a questioning way. “Get on my back.” I chuckled, the Brit rolling his eyes.
‘Whatever, you’re an idiot.’ He giggled softly, the Texan guiding him on, resting his hand on his back as I stood.
“Thanks Sapinapi. I’m gonna kidnap George now. Cya later for movie night!” He nodded softly, smiling gently, the Brit gripping onto me for his life.
“Bye Clay! Have fun stuck up there George.” He chuckled, causing me to wheeze as I exited the room, softly wheezing still, the Brit trying to escape.
“SHIT!” The Texan screamed from his room, the Brit and I immediately looking back. I knelt down, letting the Brit hop off, his eyes fearful once more.
“Wait in my room George..” He nodded quickly as I ran back to the room, the Texan holding his head in his hands. “Sap.. What’s up..?” He looked up quickly, his eyes filled with tears.
“C- Clay.. Keep George off Twitter.. He- I- The stream started early..” My eyes widened.
“What do you mean..?” I sniffled softly, trying to ignore the thoughts in the back of my head, which ended up being true.
“T-They heard him! The stream started early! It’s been revealed.. Some people aren’t being nice about it..” He held his phone towards me, showing a Tweet George, Sapnap and I were tagged in.
@GeorgeNotFound @DreamWasTaken @Sapnap I can’t believe they didn’t tell us about George, and George didn’t even tell Sapnap. What kind of a friend is that? :/ #CancelGeorge
“Are you fucking serious?! Oh fucki- Should we tell him..?” He nodded softly, pushing himself up slowly. “Explain it to him, I’m going to stay with him.. I know how to calm him down..” He nodded once more, walking towards George’s room. “He’s in my room..” He nodded, quickly apologising and rushing to the room.
“George..?” I carefully opened the door, only to be met with a sobbing Brit. “George?!” The Texan and I both ran to him, my arms wrapping around him quickly.
“I’m so sorry George.. I’m so so sorry..” The Texan slowly exited the room, returning with a bar of chocolate, handing it to the Brit. “Do you want me to post about it..? I could say it was fake, whatever you like..” He shook his head slightly, lying in my arms. His head must ache.. He’s crying so much..
“I’ll leave you two be for a bit..” I nodded softly, running my hand down the Brit’s back, his sniffling filling the room.
“Georgie..?” The Brit turning to face me, his eyes puffy from the liquid pouring from them. You poor thing.. I ran my finger across his cheek, catching the streaming tears. “Can you try to take a deep breathe for me..?” I noticed my voice starting to get fearful. I don’t want to see this anymore.. The Brit took a few slower -still fast however- breathes, before tightly holding my shirt. I can’t leave.. He’s hurting.. “Well done George..” This is breaking me.. He won’t stop.. “Can you try to take even slower breathes..? Do you want Sapnap to get Patches for you..?” He, once again, slightly slowed his breathing, nodding softly. I nodded softly, quickly messaging the panda, before wrapping my arms around him once more. It’s getting too much.. I can’t watch him sob any longer..
Word count: 2724 what the fuck-

WOO I'M BACK :D Just need to edit the next chapter then you guys get even more like bruh- I love you all! Drink some water for me :] ALSO WHO ELSE IS OBSESSED WITH GOOSE LIKE LOOK AT HIS LIL FACE also Boba pog. I'm listening to MCR rn and I'm happy-

Total word count: 2804 words oo

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