You're Allowed To Fall Apart

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TWs: Implied panic/anxiety attack
"Clay! CLAY!" I heard screaming coming from the room near, immediately running in. I wrapped my arms around the screaming boy. "CLAY PLEASE..!"
"Georgie I'm here.. I'm here.. Wake up.." I rubbed circles on the younger's back gently, his trembling body leaning towards me. "Hey.. I'm here now.."
I lent towards the younger, realising how much I was trembling. "Hey.. I'm here now.." I moved my hand to his face quickly, confirming I was out of that Nightmare. "Can you tell me what happened..?" I continued trembling, unable to breathe properly. "Match my breathing if you can.. Ready..?" He gently raised my head, my eyes locking with his. "There you are.. In.." Pause. "Out.. Alright..? That's how we're going to breathe George.. In.." Pause. "Out.." I was trying as hard as I could to match his, but just couldn't. Every time I started to calm down, the image of him leaving me stuck. It was getting too much. "Georgie.. Do you think you're able to tell me what happened..?" I shakily reached for my phone, keeping a strong grip on it. I started writing something, the American correcting any spelling errors I had.

You: I often have nightmares, which is what happened. I'm always in this black room, with someone I care about, and then one of us doesn't make it. Often the other person. I watch them leave. You've been in the last few. Always the ground turns to water, pulling us in. I continue trying to save you but- I can't.

"G- George.." I felt tears running down my cheeks, gentle arms holding me once again. "Is that the reason for all the late calls..?" I nodded softly. He sighed softly, holding me close on his warm body. "I'm staying here until you fall asleep.." I went to protest, realising I had an inability to speak at that moment. I nodded softly, my eyes slowly closing. "It's alright George.. You're allowed to fall apart a little.." I nodded softly, slowly drifting asleep.
Words: 334 word

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter, but you get another tomorrow :) This chapter might not be the most entertaining or anything, however it's useful in the future. I'm also starting another angst story ooh. Can't wait to start sharing :D

Total word count: 391 words my children :)

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