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WARNINGS: Fluff and a bit of intrigue.

A/N: So I know this was supposed to be posted 4 days ago, but uhh, Hurricane Ida happened. My family and I are safe and sound. Just some damage to our fence and we were without power from Sunday evening until early this morning. But I finished the epilogue in the meantime. I hope you like it!


Telluride, CO. USA. August 2018.

Fallen leaves crunched beneath your hiking boots as you made your way up the hiking trial. The magpies were out and about tossing their loud raucous calls back and forth through the thicket of trees. The late summer breeze carried the promise of the swift arrival of autumn. Bucky trudged along the trial ahead of you. "Come on, doll," he called out after glancing back. "Dr. Montgomery said exercise is good for you."

"I'm sure that by exercise she didn't mean hikes in the mountains at 7,000 feet," you hollered back.

You weren't hanging back because you were tired or winded, far from it. You were only 5 months along and you had never been in better shape – thanks to the superhero life.

This particular path led up the mountain to your grandfather's and sister's respective resting places. You had wanted to take this trip – both to check up on the cabin and to visit their graves. You felt you owed it to them to deliver the news of your nuptials and new baby in person. But it had been almost a full decade since you had walked this trail. You felt ashamed because hadn't visited as often as you promised.

The thicket of trees grew thinner the further you climbed until you came to an overlook. Two grayed and grimy gravestones stood facing the valley view below. Bucky stopped at the opening of the clearing to wait for you, bucket of water, soap and scrub brushes in hand. You stopped alongside him, afraid to move any further.

Sensing your apprehansion, Bucky reached out and squeezed your hand reassuringly. "Go on," he urged gently, nodded towards the tombstones. "They're waiting for you." You glanced his way, your gaze locking with his. He offered you a soft smile. "Let me know when you're ready."

You looked back toward the graves with a heavy sigh but nodded. Tentatively, you made your way forward. Your steps light, soft, careful, like a child sneaking around the house not wanting to wake up their parents. Afraid to disturb the peace they had been able to experience since you left.

As you stepped around to the front of the graves, you shoved your hands into the pockets of your wind breaker. You stared at the stones for a moment. The names of your late sister and grandfather were nearly illegible faded into the years of dirt that colored the once white stone a deep gray. Specks of green moss littered the expanse of the stone; you knelt to the ground and picked away the worst of it then sat back on your heels.

"Hey, guys," you whispered. "I'm home...Sorry I was gone so long...I'll try to be better about coming to visit." You swallowed hard to try and loosen the sob caught in your throat. Turning your face toward the sun, you blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. Taking a deep breath, you looked back toward Bucky who stood leaning against the trunk of a birch tree, watching you. You smiled sadly and gestured for him to make his way over. 

"I...uh...met someone..." you said, directing your attention back to the stones. "His name's James. He's a veteran, Grandad. Army though, not Marines...Sorry about that," you chuckled softly. "And he's a smartass and loyal just like you, Hunter." You sniffed hard, pausing to wrestle with the rising emotions building in your chest. "And uh...we are not the most traditional couple in the world by any stretch of the imagination...But uh...yeah..." Bucky knelt next to you. "I just wanted to tell the both of you that we got married and that uh..." You looked at him with a smile.

illuminate.   (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now