Kao Kittipat from the Isle of Nowhere

820 36 16

Fantasy AU

"The winner of this year's jousting competition is...", the voice of the announcer boomed over us. It's obviously him, I thought to myself holding on to my dragon's neck. 

"Kao Kittipat from the Isle of Nowhere!", the cheers broke out from the crowd and he rose up with his own dragon to receive the price from the higher platform. I rolled my eyes at his smug expression and took my leave. 

Jousting is a sport which is usually played mounted on a horse with a lance in our hands. The task is to dismount the opponent. Here we play it a little differently. We have dragons as our domestic pets so this game is usually played with them. Our dragons are tamed by us, everyone starts getting a baby one by the age of 15 and they grow to their full length till we turn 30. I got Atty, at the age of 10, as I'm the son of the chief of the village and I met Atty in the woods. We are inseparable ever since. 

The jousting competition took place bi-annually and I always won those till some good for nothing but the good looking guy showed up out of nowhere and took my place. We flew away from the arena to avoid nags from peers and the family. We flew aimlessly over our island before descending on the neighbouring one. 

It all started when Kao Kittipat showed up around the last full moon day. No one knew where he came from but they welcomed him with open arms because he was sick, or at least that is what I heard from the other villagers. He got on his feet a few days later and my father being a good chief asked him to stay longer. He invited him to join us with the jousting training to which he gladly accepted. I avoided him as much as possible because as he started training he was better in every aspect which didn't fit well with me. 

I was the best sportsman and fighter among my peers and I know I'm boasting but it is the truth. Atty and I grew up winning competitions and protecting the island sometimes. Everyone adored me but now he was stealing all that not just with his looks but also his personality which is flawless, to be honest. I tried looking for faults but he is just too good to be true. The other day, I tried pissing him off by accidentally spilling my drink over him but he said, 

"Oh, It's okay, I'll wash it away and wear another one."

The other one, while we were training he slipped off a dragon and Atty and I caught him before he could touch the ground. Instead of thanking me, his dragon kept glaring and growling like a dog. His dragon's name was PolarSnow or Po as he called it. It was a beautiful creature with a white coat all over. It had big eyes which changed colours from golden to purple. Atty befriended it easily but I couldn't even step close to it.

Kao had also won the hearts of innocent villagers by taming some wild beasts. He didn't know how to fight but he had his way with the dragons which made him more attractive for the other and repulsive for me. 

I threw a stray stone in the water which startled Atty while he was busy pawing the fishes. He looked up at me and cocked his head from side to side blinking at me. 

"Sorry, I'm just pissed.", I replied. He shook his head and continued fishing as it was nothing new for him. 

"You should be here comforting me but instead of that you are playing in the water without a care.", I muttered under my breath as I laid on the soft grass watching the colours of the sky change from blue to orange and red. 

It was almost dark when Atty threw a pile of fish at my feet. I looked at him trying to smile with his big mouth. He had caught enough fish for our dinner. I walked to him and petted his nose affectionately to show my appreciation. 

"Good boy."

I light up a fire and started grilling the fish over it. Atty was curled up beside me eating his own. My escapades from the village was a common thing. Therefore, no one questioned me or my whereabouts. We had dinner with the cicadas buzzing around with some fireflies trying to pester Atty. The night got deeper and Atty was curled up beside me listening to a tuneless song I was humming to myself. He then nudged me with his nose.

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