baby boy pt 2

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New is busy observing the statistics of the trade market when Tay barged into his office startling him.

"I tried to stop him sir-", his secretary followed Tay soon after but was cut by New.

"It's okay, get back to work and don't let anyone else in," he said that and went back to checking the graphs which were decreasing rapidly. He hates it when someone interrupts his market time, it is a crucial time for him when he observes the stats and knows if he should invest in some companies or withdraw from them.

"Dammit!", he clenched his jaw till his teeth ground.

"P'New~", Tay whined after being ignored for fifteen minutes straight.

"I'm in the market, Tawan.", he says sternly without looking up from his screens.

"Pull your money out of that one.", Tay stood behind New observing the screen with him.

"Why?", he continues staring at the screen.

"They are constantly at loss phi~", he explained as New pulled him on his lap and wrapped his arms around the younger boy. He looked over his shoulder as Tay continued with the hitched breath, "See... um... they had a rise here... but they are umm... at loss just a little while after that."

"That's what happens with big corporations baby boy.", New breathed down his neck making Tay shiver.

"But," Tay moved around grinding himself on New as he tries to be more comfortable on his lap, 

"Look at this one... umm... they have a steady growth rate than the previous one...", New clicked and did the transaction immediately.

"Phi~", Tay exclaimed when he realized what New did.


"Why did you go the transaction, we should have watched it for some more time."

"I trust your judgment...", New's lips brushed on his ear making the younger shiver in excitement.

"Umm Phi~", Tay moaned as New bit on right ear lobe gently.

"You barged into the lion's den baby boy~"

"So will I be eaten by the lion now?", Tay asked coyly leaning on the desk with his butt brushing New's tent which was growing. New smirked held him in place holding on to his waist.

"You'll see~", With that New got up and walked to the door. Tay too stood up thinking he had offended the elder but New just locked the door and adjusted the blinds of his office in a way where he could see what was happening outside others too could get a glimpse if they tried to peak.

New walked back to his table and pushed away all the things to one side. He then pulled Tay and made him sit on the desk while capturing his lips in the process. He parted Tay's legs and settled in between them with their crotches rubbing. New let his hands roam around under Tay's t-shirt which clung to him like a second skin. His hands stopped moving as they reached the waistband on his boxers which were peaking from his bang-bang shorts.

New's mouth moved from Tay's lips to his sharp jawline leaving the boy gasping for air as New continued his mistreating his skin. He left a trail of kisses and nibbled all the way to his collar bone. Tay held on to his shoulders for support and arched his neck to give him more access.

"Ahh... ahh...", he moaned as his skin was slowly getting sucked on after being bitten. New's hand again moved to make his way to Tay's crotch. He gently squeezed it making Tay jump and little. The next moment, he had slid up his thigh making shorts pool up to his crotch. Tay wrapped his legs around New as he pulled down the shorts making him rest on the cold desk.

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