Extra Soft Kao

348 21 5

A/n this is from twitter, mostly fluff but tw: self harm

Kao came back from college drenched. The Bangkok rains were were never kind, he knew, yet he tried facing them but was defeated. His body shivered as he walked into the warm house.

"Kao?!", Pete's father was shocked to look at his son-in-law who looked like a lost baby chick, "why didn't you wait for the rain to stop before heading back?", he asked worried.

Pete who was preparing dinner for them rushed out of the kitchen with the spatula in his hand. He rushed back and took the cleanest cloth he found, back to his husband.

"What were you thinking coming in such pouring weather?", he asked concerned laced in his voice, "Go change, I'll prepare something warm for you."

Kao looked at him with puppy eyes and pouted as he held out his arms.

"You are drenched to the bone and you expect me hug you?!"

"P-Please", he stuttered.

"UGH.", Pete opened his arms and Kao jumped onto him like a baby koala. He then snuggled into Pete's neck absorbing all the warmth possible making him stumble as if tickled him.

"Ai'Kao!", Pete slapped his back regaining his composure.

The duo finally reached the bathtub and Kao got off reluctantly to settle in the tub.

"I'll lay out the clothes on the bed, wash up and wait for me."

Pete walked away leaving Kao to himself. He knew his husband was never this careless as to walk back drenched but today he looked sad.

Pete made a mental note while changing his clothes to ask him the reason after dinner.

"You should have switched off the gas or at least told me to watch over.", Pete's father scolded him as soon as he walked in

"Sorry, I was worried about him, Por."

"Is he okay?"

"Something might be wrong, I'll ask him after dinner."


Pete quickly prepared their dinner and plated it on a tray for taking it back. He walked in their room and saw Kao lying curled on the bed. He placed the tray on the side table and walked to his husband.

"Kao...", he stroked his hair.


"Let's have dinner?"

"Hmm.", Kao sat up groggily rubbing his eyes. He was about to walk out towards the door when Pete stopped him.

"Where are you going?"


"It's here.", Pete pointed towards the window seat, "Come here.", he opened his arms and Kao walked into them wrapping his arms. Pete pulled the duvet from their bed and wrapped it around Kao.

"My baby burrito.", Pete was satisfied after tucking the duvet securely around Kao.

"How will I eat now?", Kao's muffled voice came through the duvet.

Pete lead him on settle on the window seat and sat on his opposite side with the plate of food. He picked some on the fork and blew it before holding it out for him.

Kao was moved to tears with how sweet Pete was behaving, he couldn't believe it was still his husband or someone else had taken over him. He took the bite and sniffed his tears. He realised it was his husband soon after tasting the food.

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