Guilt trip

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Magical Realism

Pete and Kao are two mystical beings stuck on Earth. They have been cursed to be decision-makers of humans. They have the power to control people's decisions either good or bad, which makes them a lethal combination. Pete has the role of the devil and Kao has the role of an angel because of which they only end up fighting each other. It made them a comedy pair of mystical beings.

"Pete, it was my turn to give the decision.", Kao complained after their latest client had escaped with Pete's advice.

"Oh come on Kao, you know the bad ones are always mine.", Pete wiggles his eyebrows at Kao.

"Whatever, let them make the right decision sometimes", Kao continued pouting.

Pete then wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned closer to his ear, "The only right advice that ever came from you was to be stuck with me doing this."

"Pete~", Kao nudged him lightly. 

Yes, they were lovers and cursed ones at that. Pete was banished to fulfill his duty and Kao followed voluntarily like a good boyfriend. A small bell rang above them and it was their cue to disappear in thin air. They were summoned by their client and they landed on either side of a little girl. 

She was sitting in front of her parents, looking at them alternately. The atmosphere in the room was tense which prickled Kao's hair on the back of his neck. He didn't like the feeling was getting from here. The worst part of this client was that they didn't have her background story which was making it hard for them to give their verdict. 

Her parents were getting a divorce, the mother was looking at her eagerly whereas the father was calm about the whole situation. They were asking her with whom she would like to live. It was a huge decision for the kid but it was the last phase of the custody case and she was scared to choose. 

Pete and Kao's verdicts were going to be on the observations they did in 5 minutes. They both examined the parents listening to their conversation with their child and trying to catch any mistake but they were flawless at least on the outside. Kao glanced at Pete and asked,

"What do you think?"

"The father will be an appropriate choice for her."

"I thought you would say the mother, the girl will need her mother while growing up Pete."

"I kept it for you to choose.", Pete tried to lighten the mood.

"Very funny but seriously why the dad."

"I know she will be a better choice but she has something on her. Something about her ticks me."

"I think she is okay."

"Still you should look into the father's background as well."

"He is a good man too so why are they separating?"

"Stop being so nosy, Kao."

"Hey, I'm just curious okay?"

"But will you do the same if we had a daughter? Will you let her choose me?"

"Pete.", Kao said seriously, "Divorce is not an option in our case, because we are not married yet dumbass. We will take care of our daughter together."

"Awh, just because you said this, I'll let you give the verdict."

The girl suddenly looked up and saw them, two little fairy-like creatures flying around. If it would have been any other occasion she would have leaped in joy to chase them but in this situation, she just stared at Kao with mellow eyes. 

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