I want you to go

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Pete and Kao have reincarnated into humans after serving as the devil and angel decision-makers. They met in the high school as rivals. Pete loved to bully Kao but as they grew up and took the same course in college. They realized their true feelings for each other from all the bickering they did.

Their path was not the one with rose petals but they plucked out the thorns together and fought for their love. Pete proposed Kao after getting a promotion to a better position in a company. Kao was ready to settle with his stable job as a university professor. 

Two years into their marriage, Kao completed his Ph.D. and Pete became the CEO of ocean electronics. They were happy, Pete was the same as ever with his insatiable sex drives but Kao was now used to them. They took a bigger house but suddenly it felt empty with only two adults.

"Should we adopt a kid?", Pete asked one night when Kao had big spooned him. Kao brushed his hair looked down at his man.

"Are we ready for that kind of responsibility, Pete?"

"You don't want to share me, uh, Kao?", Pete shook his head tickling Kao with his hair.

"Let's think about it for a while.", Kao held his husband in his embrace tightly to stop him from tickling. 

"But should we adopt a girl or a boy?", Pete asked after a while. 

"Let's think about that later na, Pete."

"It's a girl then.", Pete didn't get any answer for a while, and just when he was about to enter his dreamland, Kao murmured, 

"Girl it is."


"What should we name her?", Pete asked looking at a 3-year-old playing with other kids in the orphanage. 


"Son of the sun?"

"Sun of our life."

"I like that"

"Tu", the caretaker called her. She looked up from playing blocks she saw to-be parents waving at her and broke into a big smile to wave bac

"Por.", she greeted them with a formal wai.

"You can call us daddy, papa, por or phi, whatever you are comfortable with, okay?", Kao hugged her kneeling to her level.

"Let's give some gifts to your friends here before going home?", Pete too kneeled.


"Our home Tu."

"Let me say bye to my friends first."


"Tu Tawan, come here this instant!", Kao called his daughter sternly. It had been a year they adopted her and she had settled in well with them. Kao was a little strict towards discipline and Pete was the one who spoiled the child rotten. 

"Yes, Papa?", she looked at him with doe eyes, a trick which always works on Pete.

"Ugh, those doe eyes don't work on me, girly. Clean up the toys in the living room right now."

She pouted at him making a face as soon as he turned around and quickly started collecting her toys to stack them in the box. Pete joined her and helped to clean the mess. He did funny faces to make her laugh as they worked. Kao heard the giggling from the living room and smiled to himself. 

"Should we tease Papa a little?", Pete whispered naughtily. 

Tu bobbed her head excitedly and they tip-toed to the kitchen without making a noise. Pete held his finger on his lips to tell her to keep quiet and he moved behind Kao. He held Kao by his waist and picked him up easily. He took him to the living room for Tu's amusement and Kao's annoyance.

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