The tale of Siam

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note: this story will have major character death. just a warning for people who are not comfortable with this setting. It will be set 1900's era in Siam (now Thailand). It is a fictional story and anything related to real life may be co-incidental. This is just a trial and error story, please enjoy my poor attempt at writing a historical au.


There exists a power beyond our reach a power bigger than us, a power that encompasses the entire universe. They have an eye on everything that goes on around the world and if one day, a mortal catches their eye, they don't hesitate to make them theirs. They make sure they get what they want, even if history repeats itself.

Once upon a time, Apollo, the god of archery, music, healing, prophecies, and the sun had descended to the mortal world in form of a human as Prince Phubodin Rachatrakul. Being the god of music and dance, he wanted to explore theatre in a different form. He had come to gather a troop of special artists for his project. 

The artists had come from various parts of Siam with many different talents. They tried calling in many artists but there was always something amiss among all the auditionees they had seen. He felt they were too serious or not too flexible for his form art or lacked musical talents. After days of search, one auditionee finally caught his eye after watching more than a hundred in a day. He did a piece of a famous depiction from history and stood victorious with his arms spread out to complete his act. The lithe body of the boy excluded strength and soft features of the theatre. 

"What's your name?", Prince Phubodin asked.

"Phanuwat Chotiwat, Khun", the tremble in his voice was noticed by Phubodin which made him a little satisfied. 

He nodded and dismissed him, he then turned to his vice-chancellor and asked to recruit the guy. 

Outside the chambers, the young boy paced around wringing his hands in anxiety. He was in confusion if the audition went well or did he mess up big time. He was worried because the prince didn't ask anyone else their names and he felt a weird sensation when the royalty spoke in his velvety smooth voice. 

"Did I do something wrong?", he turned to his friends finally who were watching his pace for a while now.

"No, it was according to the script."

"Something had to be wrong for the prince to ask my name.", he was worried sick about it.

"Calm down Kao, I'm sure he might be just curious about you.", his crewmate, June reassured him. 

"Come on, let's go eat some Som Tam and royal food till they decide our future.", Thada, his other crewmate suggested patting on his shoulder. 

The crew's lunch was organized by the royal family kitchen which was a feast for them with the different styles they cook food. They enjoyed the food outside their tents talking about the next province they will be performing in if they move on. 

"Let's go to Ayutthaya.", Thada suggested,

"Will they allow us to perform?", June asked.

"Why don't we just perform in Siam for now?"

"We will be competing with the prince's troop if we want to perform here."

"Right, we will have to move on. He'll only recruit the best of best.", June continued after Thada.

They continued talking about the current affairs of the country till the royal guard showed up with a scroll. Everyone gathered around him waiting for him to announce the names. Thada and June's names were announced in the first ten names and Kao had again started wringing his hands in worry. The list was almost over and the announcer took a dramatic pause before saying, 

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