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Hello the chick
How are you doing
Don't worry about not replying for a few days or a day or so because I did not reply yesterday either I was busy cleaning up my room that took up a good chunk of my day and was pretty much busy. And then I slept the rest of the day away. What are you studying in school just wondering. I am hoping to be a tattoo artist and selling author. Good luck on your masters. If I were to go back to school would be either for law or psychology or art or all three.
Right now I'm investing in getting tattoos done which is a load of money in an hour zone and I am doing it all on my own with my entrepreneurial skills in creative skills. I am doing a lot of art and music and a lot of sales of stuff that I don't need anymore. I am also doing a lot of odd jobs around my group home to get money for my tattoos. I may even get a new phone one day hopefully and a calligraphy pen for Christmas so I can do really nice drawings and I can show you the drawings as well I am hoping to send you a link the next time I'm on my phone to To send you the link for my books OK.
It may be more than just a trilogy because I have lots of Pen Pal's that I reply to so my replies will be unless going. I am glad my mom is calm now I just suggested to her instead of the opals that I got a tattoo of that says love is everything because that something she believes in, I am still looking at the DNA site to see if my ancestry map has changed or been updated more last to say. I'll be back later to give you the link to my books.
Hope to hear from you soon

Letters from bruises | book 3Where stories live. Discover now