𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐠

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[ xxiv

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[ xxiv. sweep under the rug ]

november 4th, 2010


"I COULD HAVE GOTTEN myself breakfast," Astrid insisted from her seat beside the crackling morning fire as a full plate of eggs was unceremoniously set on her lap.  "It's only been three days since you fell down a mountainside, Daryl, and you're only just finally walking without a limp."

"Yeah, but you've been dealin' with my annoyin' ass—gettin' everythin' for me," Daryl retorted.  "Figured this was the least I could do." He shrugged his shoulders as he dropped into the worn lawn chair beside her.

Around them, the camp was wide awake.  Everyone, both inside and outside of the farmhouse, was up and moving. Even Carl, who had been bedridden for the past several days, was finally back on his little feet.  Hershel's home was finally free of guests—but the same could still not be said for his yard which was gradually growing firmer in its state of a refugee shelter.

Astrid could already tell that Hershel Greene was slowly becoming irritated by their presence on his property—but he kept it hidden well, for the most part.  But not good enough for Astrid to not notice.

Astrid's thoughts were jolted from her concerns by sudden movement from Glenn. The young man stood up, visibly uneasy, and moved to address the group as they all ate their breakfast.  Astrid watched silently as he exchanged anxious glances with Dale and then locked eyes with Maggie, who stood on her front porch, her arms tightly crossed. Glenn swallowed nervously.

"Um, guys," He stammered awkwardly. "So . . . the barn's full of walkers."

Astrid's heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, she could not seem to comprehend the gravity of what Glenn had just revealed. The realization slowly washed over her, and she saw the terror mirrored in the faces of her companions. Her plate slipped from her lap, crashing to the ground, its contents forgotten. Panic filled the air, and before she could catch her breath, the camp erupted into chaos.

Rick moved first, and the rest immediately followed.  Astrid stepped closely in Daryl's shadow as they rushed down the dusty drive towards the big, red barn that belied the danger concealed within its weathered walls.

Astrid and the others kept their distance from the ominous structure, but Shane could not resist investigating further. He approached the double doors that had been locked up tight with a padlock.  With trepidation, he pressed against the doors and cautiously peeked through a narrow gap in the wood.

"See anything?" Astrid called out nervously.

Shane nodded, his face cold as he backed away, coming over to them. "There are dozens of them," He confirmed. He turned to Rick, outraged. "You cannot tell me that you're alright with this."

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