Chapter Seven- New Family...?

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(A/N: I wanted to put a TRIGGER WARNING in this chapter for mentions of suicide! Please read this chapter with CAUTION!)

Once we finally got the door to the garage open, we hurried inside and met the police officer there.

"Hey, hey, where's your car?? We gotta get out of here!" Ethan said. The officer looked up at us.

"No, what you need to do is tell me what you and your daughter are doing out here, alone, in the middle of the night! Answer my questions!" He said, a hand on his gun.

"Us?? What about you?!" Ethan asked.

"I'm doing my job. Now you need to do your and tell me." The officer said

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Ethan said.

"Try me!" The officer said, before realizing that the garage door behind him was closing! But, we weren't the ones closing it... "Hey, put that door back up!" The Officer yelled. However, that's when Ethan and I noticed someone stalking up behind him!

"Jack, no, wait!!" I called.

"No, stop! Wait!!" But we were too late. Jack rammed a shovel through the man's head! The officer fell to the ground, and Jack continued to attack his body, while Ethan grabbed the gun the officer dropped, and I looked for a way out. I noticed car keys sitting on the desk

"Ethan, catch!!" I called, and tossed the keys to him. Then, I turned my sites on Jack. I needed to distract him, just long enough the Ethan could start the car, and I could jump in. "Hey! Hey, over here you big oaf!!" I yelled, getting Jack's attention. He growled at me.

"Come here, you little shit!" He yelled, and I dodged around the car quickly. Once I heard the engine start, I jumped into the passenger side. Jack walked in front of the car.

"Gun it!!!" I yelled, and Ethan slammed onto the gas pedal, knocking Jack to the ground. However, he just got right back up! This happened about two more times, before we couldn't see him. We breathed a sigh of relief, but before we could fully relax, the car roof was ripped off!! Jack stepped in and gripped Ethan's hands on the steering wheel!!

Ooh, nice car, Ethan!" He pressed onto the gas pedal, and started doing donuts in the garage! I screamed as I held onto the car door. When he finally stopped, he lined us up to a beam protruding from the wall! "Ah boy! I'm gonna take y'all for a ride!" He said.

"No! NO!!!" Ethan yelled. I sunk down lower in the in the chair and screamed. Then, he rammed the car into the beams! Thankfully, they missed us, just barely. They all hit Jack. Ethan and I quickly scrambled out of the car. Just in time, too! The car lit on fire! However, even after all that, Jack got up and out of the car!

"Oh, look what you did now, boy!" He said, approaching us. Ethan began firing the officer's gun at him, but that didn't stop him. What did stop him was when the car exploded, throwing us all to the floor. Ethan helped stand up.

"This place is nuts!" He said. I nodded.

"That's only the half of it." I muttered. That's when we noticed that the ladder to the second level of the garage came down, so we headed there. However, once Ethan grabbed onto the ladder, another hand grabbed his! It was Jack! He grabbed the gun from Ethan!

"Pay attention boy, you're about to see something wonderful!" (TRIGGER WARNING HERE!) Then Jack shoved the gun in his mouth, laughing all the while, and pulled the trigger! I screamed as he fell to the ground! (END TRIGGER WARNING!) I screamed, as Ethan quickly covered my eyes, trying to get me to look away.

"Holy shit..." Ethan muttered. He quickly ushered me up the ladder so I wouldn't have to see Jack's body. Up there, we were able to find the key to get into the main living area, and we got out of the garage. "Ella? Ella, you have to tell me what's going on around here." He said. I sighed.

"Ethan, I've told you everything I can without confusing you. My twin sister and I are science experiments, created in a lab to be sold around the world as bio organic weapons. We were being shipped somewhere else when my sister went crazy, we ended up here, and she's the one that turned the Bakers into monsters. That's all I can say right now. You'll know everything soon enough. That being said, I promise you can trust me. My sister was the prized pet, while I was the defect." I said, as we walked up to the main level of the house.

"Defect?" He asked. I nodded.

"I was too nice. Too kind, too empathetic, too loving. I had found a moral code from the previous care taker we had. I refused to hurt people, I wouldn't manipulate or control people if I didn't have to. I was useless as a weapon. The only reason I wasn't terminated was because I could keep Evie calm and under control. So I was labeled defective, and only kept around as Evie's 'pet', though she still referred to me as a sister...until recently, anyway." I said. I sighed, and forced a smile. "It's just as well, I suppose. last thing I need to be associated with Evie...even if it means I'll be alone with no family...nothing really new there...I'll manage." I said. As I made to walk to the main room, Ethan gently grabbed my arm.

"Hey. I'm not gonna let that happen. You're not a weapon. You're a kid. You didn't deserve any of this. So, no matter what happens, if we get out of here with our without Mia, you WILL have a home with me. I promise." He said. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Really? Even after all the horrors my sister is making you go'll still take me in?" I asked. He smiled.

"You aren't your sister. You've proven that to me ten times over. Hell, you went head to head with Jack down there, and you didn't even bat an eye! You're just a kid. You don't deserve this." He said. With that, I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you, Ethan! Thank you!" I said. He returned the hug, then placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Alright. Now, let's find Mia and get out of this hellhole for good!" He said. I smiled.

"Hell yeah!"

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