Chapter Two: The Baker Estate

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I opened my eyes groggily. Ugh, what happened? I remembered the tanker crash, and Eveline...Mia and I flew into the water...where was I now? Was I dead? I sat up, slowly, and looked around. No, I don't think I'm dead. I was in a bedroom of some sort, and my clothes were changed. I was no longer wearing the green dress I had worn since I was in the lab, I was wearing an emerald green V-neck T-shirt, a pair of denim jeans, and some purple socks. I pushed my blanket off, and moved to the side of the bed. I saw a pair of green high tops sitting by my bed, and, figuring that those were for me, put them on. Once my shoes were tied, I stood, rubbing my head, and looked around a bit more. It was a small bedroom with a wardrobe, a dresser, and an end table. I walked to the door, opened it, and looked around again. I was in a room that had a bar, and a pool table, with two doors that led into the room. I went to the one on my left, and down the hall. I came into another room on a banister. I walked down the stairs, and through two big double doors.

"Hello?" I called. That's when a woman rounded the corner and saw me.

"Oh, I didn't know that you were awake, honey!" She said. I smiled a little. 

"Oh, uh yeah, I just woke up. Where am I?" I asked. She walked over and placed a kind hand around my shoulder.

"You're in Dulvey, Louisiana on mine and my husband's plantation. I'm Marguerite Baker." She said. I smiled more.

"I'm Ellanor. I don't really have a last did I get here, Mrs. Baker?" I asked. We began walking down the hall.

"My husband, Jack, found you and a woman in the wreckage of a ship just a ways from here." She said. I looked up at her.

"Was anyone else with us? My twin sister was on the ship too." I asked. She sighed.

"No, we only found you and another woman. I'm sorry, sweetie." She said. I sighed, but I was also internally grateful that they hadn't found Evie. Without her treatments, I was afraid of what she would do to these people. I followed her into a dining room, where two kids, both older than me, sat at the table. "You sit down and I'll get you some dinner, Ellanor." She said. I smiled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Baker. And, please call me Ella. Everyone does." I said. She left into the kitchen, and the girl that sat at the table smiled at me.

"Hey, Ella. I'm Zoe. I'm glad you're alright! This here is my older brother, Lucas." She said. I smiled.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you!" I said. Lucas really didn't pay me any mind, but that was okay. Mrs. Baker sat a plate filled with food in front of me. I smiled. "Thank you!" I said, and began to eat. Was this what it was like to be in a family? If it was, I could definitely get used to this! The doors opened then, and a man walked in, holding something in his arms.

"I found her out by the ship too." He said. I looked closer, and realized he had found Evie! I grew nervous, but I was very relieved that she was safe! 

"Oh, that's my twin sister! Her name is Eveline, but I always called her Evie." I said. Mr. Baker nodded.

"I'm glad we found her then." He said. Mrs. Baker walked over them.

"Oh, poor thing. Go put her in Lucas's old room." She said. Lucas looked up then.

"What? But Mom!" He said.

"Oh hush now, Lucas, it's not like you use that room anymore!" She said, as Mr. baker walked out with Evie. I finished eating by now, and took my dishes into the kitchen. I began washing them.

"Mrs. Baker? Where do I put my plate and silverware? I washed them." I said. She looked over at me.

"Oh, Ella, you didn't need to do that!" She said. I shrugged.

"I know, but I wanted to." I said. She took them from my hands, and put them away.

"Zoe, can you take Ella upstairs and run a hot bath for her?" She asked.

"Yes, Mama." Zoe said, and led me back upstairs to the bathroom. She ran the bath for me, and turned the water off when it was full. "Just holler if you need anything, hun." She said. I smiled.

"Okay. Thanks, Zoe." I said. She nodded, and walked out, locking the door behind her. I got out of my clothes, and slipped into the bath, sighing. The hot water felt sooo good! However, after about twenty minutes, the lights went out! "Huh? What's going on?" I asked aloud. I got out of the bath, felt around for my towel, dried off, then dressed in the clothes I was wearing before. I peeked out the door, and started walking down the hall. "Mr. Baker? Mrs. Baker?" Is everything alright?" I called. I got no answer. However, I did run smack into Zoe, who was holding a lighter as a source of light. "Ouch! Oh, I'm sorry Zoe!" I said, pulling her up. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Your sister is acting really weird! I went into her room to get her all cleaned up, and she suddenly opened her eyes, said 'they're mine now', then ran off! That's when the lights went out." She said.

"Oh no..." I mumbled. That's when we saw a light coming from the bathroom I had just left. We walked over, and pushed the door open.

"Mama?" Zoe asked.

"Mrs. Baker?" I asked, apprehensively. She was standing there, not moving. 

"Zoe...Ella...look at the gift my little girl has given me!" She turned to us suddenly, with bugs coming out of her mouth! Zoe and I screamed in horror, as Mr. Baker ran in and held her back.

"Zoe, go get me rope from the garage!" He said, and Zoe ran off. "Ella, run and hide. NOW!!" He yelled, and I did so, running to the room with the pool table. I peeked out just in time to see Jack stab himself in front of Zoe! She backed away from him in horror.

"Zoe!! Down here!!!! Quick!!!" I yelled. She ran to me, and we shut and locked the door, just in time, as Mr. Baker was now pounding on the door for us to let him in. Zoe was crying now, and I pulled back metal from a window, so we could get out.

"What's happening to them?!" She sobbed, as we climbed through. I sighed.

"I was afraid this would happen." I said. She looked at me, as we moved across the porch.

"What do you mean?" She asked. I frowned.

"My sister and I...we aren't normal kids. We may look normal, but the truth is...we were created in a lab to be weapons. We were born with the power to control this substance called Mold. I was automatically deemed a defect because I was too kind and empathetic. But my sister...she has no sense of right and wrong and is willing to hurt people to get what she wants. I think she's infected your family with the Mold." I said. Zoe frowned.

"Why would she do that?!" She asked. I wiped my eyes.

"All our lives, we were raised in a lab. The thing we wanted most was a family of our own. A mom, a dad, siblings. It's all we ever wanted. But Evie thinks the way to get it is to control people and have them commit atrocities! She's supposed to get treatments to keep her acting like a normal kid, but she crashed the boat we were on and never got them. She's getting worse." I said.

"Is there any way to stop her?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No. I can't even stop her. My mold cant affect hers, and her mold can't affect mine. But I might be able to get you out of here!" I said, and we moved down to the foyer, where Mrs. Baker was. She was able to resist Evie's control long enough to give us car keys, then get away from us. Zoe wanted to go to the garage, but I grabbed her hand. "No don't! Evie knows she gave us those keys, she'll send everyone down to the garage to get us! Let's go out the door with the dog heads!" I said. She nodded, and we ran out that door, then into the trailer. Mia was on the ground in there! I knelt beside her. "Mia! Mia, wake up!!" I said. However, suddenly, the lights went out! Oh no...


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