Chapter Four: Ethan

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*Two Years Later*

I sat in the corner of my cell. I was angry, and I was hurt that Eveline had thrown me in a cell, like an animal, to be forgotten for two years. I was her sister! So many times I had protected her when the scientists were angry with her, I had thrown myself in front of her and taken beatings for her, and this is how she would treat her sister?! As far as I was concerned I had no more sister. I was alone with no family of my own. Jack and Marguerite came down every so often to give me what they deemed "food', but it was so foul! I always tried to refuse, but they forced it down my throat. Eventually, Mia was locked in a cell too, but that was by Lucas. She never came around like Evie wanted either, but Evie always went to visit her. I could hear her. At first, when I heard her come down into the basement to see Mia, I screamed and begged for her to let me out. Begged her as a sister, told her I loved her, why would she do this to me, why wouldn't she let me out. She never said a word and walked past my cell with no hesitation. I was heart broken. She had only brought me out of my cell once. That was last year...

*One Year Ago*

My cell door opened, which didn't really surprise me, until Jack said:

"Get up, girl, Evie wants to see you!" I looked up at him, eyebrow's raised.

"Evie wants to see me? You have to be joking. She hates me, why does she suddenly want anything to do with me?" I asked. Jack grabbed me, roughly.

"Don't back talk to me, girl!" He snarled as he began dragging me out of the cell. I scoffed.

"I have a name, bub, use it!" I growled, only to be met with a harder tug as he nearly yanked me to the ground. I was dragged upstairs, then shoved into a chair in the living room. I looked around, shocked. In the one year that I was locked in my cell, the whole house had nearly fallen into shambles! It was filthy, the walls were falling apart, the windows were boarded up. I shook my head. Eveline had destroyed this place. I looked up when I heard someone walk in. I gasped. Eveline had walked in, but she looked so much older! She didn't look twelve, like me, she looked like she was in her 60's! "Evie...? What-" She cut me off.

"Why don't you look like me?" She asked. Even her voice was different!

"What do you mean?" I asked. She frowned, folding her arms.

"You know what I mean. I look old. You don't. Why not?" She asked. I sighed, I figured I'd have to tell her eventually. I leaned back in my chair.

"Back when you infected Allan on the tanker ship, I got him back to his and Mia's room. Before I left to look for you, he grabbed me and injected me with something. When I asked what he did, he said that the scientists had given him that, and when we arrived at the new lab he was to choose whether to give it to you or me. He said it would let one of us age like a normal girl, instead of aging rapidly without regular treatments. He chose me." I said. She looked really mad.

"Why did he choose you? Why not me!? What's so special about you?!" She asked. Now, I was getting mad.

"He said you were to dangerous and couldn't be trusted. He said, I deserved the chance to have a normal life, not you!" I growled. Now she looked really angry, but I didn't care anymore. She couldn't do anymore to hurt me. "You're a monster, Eveline. A science experiment. You were always nothing more than a weapon!" I hissed. She looked angrier than I had ever seen her, and, before I could react, her mold grabbed ahold of me, squeezing me tightly. Then, it pulled me all the way back down to my cell. Eveline had followed me down, as she was now standing in the doorway.

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