Chapter Ten: The Cost of Rejection

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(A/N: Hey guys, I'm really sorry that I've been MIA. As I mentioned in on of my posts to my profile I've had a lot going on in my personal life. Most recently, my Grandmother on my Father's side passed away last week, so I was making sure my parents were okay and making sure I could be somewhat present for the funeral. I will do my best to update all my stories! Also, I don't know how you guys pictured Ella looking, but I'm going to add a few details of how I've personally imagined her!)

Once we had Marguerite's light, Ethan and I began making our way back to the main part of the Old House. We were silently walking along, when Ethan looked at me.

"Hey...back there, when you pulled me away from the stairs before Marguerite could get called me Dad." He said. I turned red and looked away.

"Oh geez...I'm sorry Ethan, I freaked and it just slipped out-" I started, however he stopped me by placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ella, you don't need to apologize. I already told you I'm adopting you. That means I consider you my daughter. You can call me whatever you're comfortable with, and if you're comfortable calling me Dad, then you can call me that." He said. I smiled.

"Alright...thank you, Ethan." I said. He smiled at me, and we carried on into the Old House. Once we were back on the second floor. I placed the lantern on the scale with the other lantern, and the scale balanced out, thus unlocking the door. Ethan sighed, then looked over at me.

"Are you ready, Ellie?" He asked. I frowned a little and looked up at him.

"Ellie?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I like Ellie better than Ella. It suits you better. Do you mind if I call you Ellie?" He asked. I smiled.

"No...I like that a lot more than Ella too...Dad." I said. He smiled.

"Alright. Let's get that arm...or head...whichever one is up here." He said. I nodded, and we headed into the second floor attic area. We entered a children's room that I hadn't seen before. I found a picture on the floor and picked it up. It was definitely a kid's drawing. There was a big figure in the middle, obviously a girl, surrounded by lots of smaller stick figures. 

"My Family..." I read. " Eveline." Ethan looked over my shoulder.

"That's really creepy looking." He said. I sighed. 

"You know...the way she's really not her fault." I said. He looked at me as we continued walking.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like I mentioned before, we were created in a lab...but it wasn't just to be bio-organic weapons. There was a woman in the lab, all the time that we were there, until recently anyway. I don't remember much about her, I didn't even know her name. But in the beginning, my first memories were of Evie being talked up to this woman. That Evie was her 'vessel' she wanted. They really talked her up, about what she looked like, her personality, and her powers, they really wanted this woman to like her. But the woman took one look at Evie and said she was: 'Defective. This child is not a suitable vessel for my Eva. Do as you wish with her, but I don't want her.' Those were her exact words, and I think they really bothered and upset Evie." I said.

"What about you? You don't have the same freakish obsession with having a family." He said. I shrugged.

"I was never considered an option. This woman wanted a kid who looked like her to be her vessel, or whatever. Evie at least looked like her a little bit. The woman had pale skin, long, straight blonde hair, and brown eyes. Evie had pale skin, long, straight black hair, and brown eyes. Now me, I have long, curly red hair, pale skin, freckles, and green eyes. I looked nothing like this lady, so she already passed me by. That was nothing new. The scientists all preferred Evie over me anyway. I was used to rejection. But Evie...she was the pride and joy of the scientists. They praised her over and over, telling her how great she was, how great her powers perfect she was. When this woman rejected her, told her that she wasn't perfect...she couldn't handle it. It drove her nuts that this lady who we didn't know from Adam, didn't love her the way everyone else did. That's when she became obsessed with having a family. We had heard them say something about Evie being this woman's daughter, and when she was rejected, she decided to make her own family. Obviously with disastrous consequences. I thought my love for her as her sister would be enough. It stopped her pain for awhile...but it didn't stop her obsession from deteriorating her mind." I said. He sighed.

"Shit...that's so much to put on a kid. Yeah, it's not her fault. But, Ellie...I don't think we can save her now." He said. I sighed.

"No...I don't think we can...she's too far gone..." I said. As we continued down the hall, before we could open another door, the hall suddenly went dark. Then, we heard a familiar voice:

"Stay Away!" Then, the lights came back on! I looked at Ethan.

"That was Evie! She must be getting nervous...none of her victims has ever made it this far." I said.

"Then let's keep going!" Ethan said, We made it into the room, and found a small, secret door at the very back wall. In the little room, we found a shrine to Evie! In it was a mummified arm labeled 'D-004'. Ethan grabbed it and pulled it out of the socket. "Ugh...I guess this is it!" He said. I wrinkled my nose.

" are we supposed to make a serum out of a dead arm??" I asked. Ethan shrugged.

"I don't know. Let's just get it to Zoe." He said. I nodded, but as we turned to get out of the small room, we stopped when we saw someone standing in the other room. All we could see was their legs...but I recognized the dress! 

"...Evie?" I asked. But as we approached the door, the person ran away, and when we got back into the room, she was gone and there were multiple words scribbled on the wall in a circular pattern.

"Let's get out of here!" Ethan said. We fought our way through Molded and finally came back to the base of the second floor. Zoe called us again, telling us to meet her at the trailer. We ran for it, but when we got to the trailer...Zoe wasn't there. The phone rang again and Ethan answered. 

"Just let them both go!!" I looked up at him, as he hung up the phone in a huff, turning to me. "Lucas has Zoe and Mia!"

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