Chapter Six: Freedom...?

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Ethan wiggled in his chair, knocking it over, and getting out of the restraints, then he came right over to me.

"Ella, are you alright??" He asked. I nodded, as he undid my restraints.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Holy cow, they've gotten worse." I said. He at me as I stood.

"Worse? What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed.

"They weren't always like this. They used to be a kind and loving family. My sister made them this way." I said.

"Your sister? How could your sister do this?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"You wouldn't understand yet. It's too complicated. I'll explain as we go, if I can. Right now, we gotta get out of here before Jack gets back!" I said. He nodded.

"Right, we really do. Let's follow him out the door he went." He said. We began to look around, and we finally found a hatch in the room connected to the kitchen. 

"Hm...I think I know where the key for this is, but Jack is probably patrolling the halls already..." I said.

"Okay, you stay here and I'll go get it." Ethan said, but I shook my head.

"Uh-uh, it's too dangerous. Here, I have an idea. Follow me!" I said, and we snuck outside of the kitchen, and around the corner. I placed my hand on the wall, and focused on my mold. It began slowly spreading across the wall, like white webbing. The one thing I was grateful for, my Mold was a very bright white, nearly transparent, while Evie's Mold was black. My Mold blended in better with the background. Once my mold was on the wall, I could easily map out where everything in the house was, including the hatch key! 

"Ella..." Ethan whispered, shocked at what I was doing. I smirked a little.

"I told you, Ethan, my sister and I aren't normal kids. All I can explain now is that my sister and I were born and raised in a lab to be bio-organic weapons. We have control over this substance called Mold. We can secrete from our bodies at will. Unfortunately, my Sister long ago used hers against me. She's not my Sister anymore." I said, as my Mold crept up the leg of the table. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Ella." He said, and I shrugged.

"What's done is done, yeah? I've had no family all my life, being all by myself won't be any different." I said. He was about to say more, but I smiled. "I got the key!" I whispered, as my mold wrapped around it. However, I immediately felt a presence right next to my Mold. "Jack..."I whispered, just as he came around the corner, a shovel in hand! I quickly moved the key off the table, while he was busy looking out the window, and into my hand. "Got it!" I whispered.

"Thought you'd just slip out before dinner was done?!" I looked up and saw Jack coming right for us!!

"Shit!" Ethan said, and I quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him back into the kitchen, shutting the door behind us, then the room with the hatch. I scrambled over to the hatch and shoved the key in.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I muttered, finally opening it and getting the door open. "Ethan, quickly!" I said, and we scrambled into the hatch, closing it behind us just as Jack came barreling through the door. We crawled through the crawl space and came up in the laundry room. Zoe called on the phone and talked to Ethan again, while I gathered some supplies and made a med kit. Once he hung up, we walked out of the laundry room, and noticed a knocking sound on the window. We looked over. it was a police officer!!! Was this our chance to get out of here?! We ran to the window.

"Hey, you gotta get us out of here!" Ethan said.

"Now calm down, sir. Do you live here? I this your property?" He asked. Ethan shook his head.

"Me? No, no!" He said. "Sir, you don't understand! There are people here that are trying to freaking kill us!!!" He said.

"Now hold on. You don't seem like you're playing with a full deck of cards yourself." He said. 

"Are you kidding me?!" Ethan asked.

"Look, just meet me in the garage so I can ask you some questions." The officer said. He began to turn away.

"Wait! You gotta give me your gun!" Ethan said.

"You must be out of your mind." The Officer said. That's when I stepped in.

"Look, Sir, you really don't understand! We've been kidnapped and are being held hostage! The people that live here are actively trying to kill us! Please, you have to help us!" I said. The officer looked at me.

"You both are really in danger?" He asked. I nodded.

"The man of the house just tried to come after us with a giant shovel!!" I said. He sighed, then handed Ethan a pocket knife.

"A freaking pocket knife?!" Ethan asked.

"Here, take it. It's all you're gonna get. Now go, garage! Now!" The officer said, and walked away. 

"What am I gonna do with a knife?!" Ethan asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. But if the Family doesn't know about him, we might just be able to get the hell out of here! Let's go to the garage!" I said. Ethan nodded, and we headed down the stairs to the garage.

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