Chapter Three: Monster

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At first, everything was normal. Eveline didn't do anything that gave me a reason to be concerned, and the Bakers were kind enough to take her, me, and Mia in. Mia didn't remember anything, not about me and Evie, not about the tanker crash, nothing! I tried to jog her memory a few times, but nothing really worked. Evie would always address her as 'Mommy', but I still addressed her as Mia. Things were normal...for the first few months. Then, things began getting weird. The Bakers...they were all changing. Becoming more violent and mean. The same was happening to Mia! It didn't take me long to realize that Evie had infected them. As the year continued, they even started kidnapping people!! I couldn't take it anymore, I had to stop this! I confronted Evie when she was in the kitchen.

"Evie...Sister, what have you done?" I asked her. She looked over at me.

"What do you mean, Ella?" She asked. I frowned.

"You know darn well what I mean, Evie! Look at what you've done to the Baker's!" I said. She frowned now.

"I made us a family! Isn't this what you always wanted too?" She asked. I sighed.

"Yes. I want a family as desperately as you do, but at what cost? Jack and Marguerite were more than willing to take us in! I heard them talking about adopting us if our parents couldn't be found! We had a family in our reach, and now you've ruined it!!" I said, my voice rising. She looked at me, anger on her face. Mold began spreading around the floor from her feet.

"I ruined it?!" She asked. She was getting aggressive, trying to make me back down. But I refused.

"Yes, you did! This is not what a family is supposed to be! They don't love us because they want to love us, you made them love us, and that's wrong!!!" I yelled. Suddenly, mold shot out from the walls, and grabbed ahold of me, lifting me into the air! "Evie!! Evie, stop!!!" I yelled, but she wasn't listening. The look on her face...I'd never seen anything like it! She looked so angry and...evil! I was horrified!

"It's wrong? What do you know?! We've been trapped in that lab our whole lives! You said you'd always take care of me and help me!!" She yelled, her voice distorting slightly in anger.

"And I would have! But I won't help you in this! It's evil and wrong!!" I yelled back. She was strangely silent, but that's when I saw her mold begin to creep slowly up my arms. 

"Play nice with us, Sister. Love me the way you used to and everything will go back to normal. Just do what I say, and everything will be fine." I heard her voice in my mind! What the hell?! She was trying to infect me with her mold! I growled, and spread mold on my arms, killing hers.

"Get out of my head Eveline!!!" I screamed in my mind. She dropped me to the ground, frustrated that she couldn't force me to play her twisted game. " tried to infect me! How could you?! We promised we would never try and infect each other! You broke your promise!" I cried, tears falling down my face. She looked indifferent to my words.

"It's not my fault. You just couldn't play nicely! If you won't play nicely, then I don't need you to be my sister!" She said. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. 

"Alan was right about're dangerous! You can't be a normal girl, it's not possible! You are a monster!" I cried as more tears fell. She looked hurt, but I couldn't tell if she was faking it or not.

"If that's what you think of me, then fine! DADDY!!!" She screamed. Jack came running to the sound of her scream. 

"What's wrong, Evie?" He asked. She was crying crocodile tears.

"Ella's being so mean to me! All I did was ask if she wanted to play dolls, and she hit me! She called me a bunch of mean names too!" She 'sobbed'. Jack's face twisted in anger, and my fear grew. Eveline's infection had made him incredibly strong, and I was very afraid of what he could, and would do to me! He grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me up.

"You're treating our precious Evie cruelly?! That is rude, and I cannot abide rudeness! Come on, girl!" He growled, and dragged me out of the kitchen! He then pulled me down stairs to the basement, where Evie's mold was most widespread. I began to panic.

"No! Let me go!!!" I yelled, and tried to use my mold to make him let me go, but because Evie had been the one to infect him, my mold was useless. He opened a door and threw me in the room. Before I could get my bearings, he punched me! I fell to the ground, and he punched me multiple times, before finally letting up 

"Maybe that will teach you some respect! This room is where you live now, girl." He said, before walking out the door, slamming it shut and locking it. I jumped up, pounding on the door.

"No! Let me out! Let me out!!" I yelled. I heard Evie's mold grow over the door, meaning that I couldn't break the door with mine. I pounded a little more, hoping to gain someone's attention, but nothing worked. "Let me out..." I said quietly, as my back slid down the door. I sat against the door, pulled my knees to my chest and began sobbing. My sister was gone. Eveline wasn't my sister anymore. She was a monster. Just like the scientists had wanted.

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