Chapter Eleven: A Game of Wits

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"He what?! Oh no, this is bad!" I said. 

"He wants me to look in the fridge for something." Ethan said. I nodded, and opened the fridge. What I saw made me gasp, and Ethan quickly covered my eyes. "Ellie, don't look!" He said, but I'd already seen what was in there...the head of the cop from earlier! Ethan took a note from it. "It says to go to the basement." He said, shutting the fridge. We walked out of the trailer and headed back to the main house.

"Lucas has something bad planned. Something about him has always creeped me out. Even before Evie infected him, something about him seemed so...sinister." I said.

"That doesn't surprise me." Ethan said. Once we got inside the house, we headed tp the basement. There wasn't any light on down here anymore, but we soon found what Lucas had planted: The body of the cop! There was a wooden sign next to it. It said:

'Prove you're a man! Shove your hand down-'

I couldn't read anymore. I shuddered.

"You aren't really gonna do that, are you Ethan?" I asked. He sighed.

"I don't think I have a choice." He said. I turned away as he did what the sign said. I shuddered again as I heard...eww.

"Got it." Ethan said. I turned around and saw that he had a key! Then, over an intercom, we heard:

"That key is gonna help you get the key cards that will let you into the party!!" Lucas called. Ethan and I both sighed and headed out. Once we made it to the main floor, we headed for the second floor. He unlocked both doors that the key went to.

"Alright, we doing this as usual?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yep. I take guest room, you got the kids room?" I asked. He nodded.

"Sounds like a plan!" He said. So I headed off for the guest room. "Ellie, wait!" I stopped and turned back to Ethan. "Take this! Just in case!" He called, tossing me his shotgun! I caught it, nodded at him, and headed into the guest room. I jumped, seeing the old woman from before.

"Geez, how do you move locations so fast, lady?" I asked. Of course, she didn't answer, only turning her head to look at me. I shook my head a little, and scurried around the room, getting as many items as I could, including the spare room. Then, I began looking for the keycard, but I couldn't find it! However, I saw a note on the globe that sat on an end table. It read:

"The time of all the other clocks in the house?" I noticed the clock sitting next to the globe, and realized I was supposed to match this clock with all the others! I thought back on it, and remembered seeing quite a few clocks reading the time 10:15! So I moved the hands to that time, and an alarm in the clock went off. Then, the bed moved revealing a secret passage!

"Aha!" I said, and headed down. The passage came out into the most fowl smelling room in the basement, but I got the keycard! With that, I fought my way out of the basement and met back up with Ethan.

"Did you get it?" He asked. I handed to him.

"Yep! You?" I asked. He nodded.

"Sure did." He said, however, we were interrupted by the phone ringing. Ethan answered, then hung up just as quickly. "Asshole..." He muttered. With that, we headed out into the courtyard and found the door we needed. Ethan put in the keycards, and we headed in. We entered a room that had a chair and a TV. Ethan sat in the chair, then the TV turned on. Lucas showed up, talking about Evie's 'gift' and how he was perfectly happy for things to stay as they were. Suddenly, he started using pliers to rip his fingernails off!! I gasped in horror.

"You see, Ethan?! Not everyone wants to turn back the clock!" He looked to his right. "What? What Eveline, I'm just trying to show him! Show him that not everyone wants things to go back to how they were! So, Ethan, you can go crawling around in that rotten house all you want, but you ain't gonna find a damn thing!" He said, then the TV exploded!

"Ethan, are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah. Let's take care of that asshole." He said. We hurried through to the final door that lead into a dark room, but it required a passcode to get into. So Ethan and I fought our way through more of the molded and found the passcode. Once that was put in, Lucas wouldn't let us bring our stuff in, so we had to leave it in a container. Once we entered the room, Lucas locked us in! Ethan noticed a lit candle, and took it to look around. I moved into another room, only to get soaking wet!

"Ugh! What the hell, man?!" I yelled. The lights turned on in the room.

"So, we're gonna play a little game! All you have to do is take the candle, and put it on the cake!" Lucas said, over an intercom.

"Kiss my ass!" Ethan responded.

"Now, Ethan, language! There are children into he building...I think. I'm not sure anymore!" Lucas said. It didn't take me long to realize I could cheat Lucas's game. I had found a padlocked door, and realizing I would need a word to unlock it, it didn't take me long to crack the code. Lucas was too self-absorbed to avoid gloating a little. The word LOSER really isn't a good passcode. I got the valve we needed to turn the water off! I ran out of the room.

"Ethan, I got it!" I said. He laughed.

"You are one smart kid! You just beat Lucas at his own game!" He said, ruffling my wet hair. I turned the water off, then Ethan brought the candle through and put it on the cake. Then, the cake exploded, sending us both to the ground...but that's all it did. the lights turned back on, and something dropped from the ceiling!

"Motherf--ker! You were supposed to die!" Lucas dropped a bomb in here!!!

"Oh shit, Ethan, what do we do?!" I cried. He picked up the bomb, tore a small board from the wall, and dropped the bomb behind the wall. The bomb exploded, exposing a doorway!

"That was supposed to be for you, damn it!" Lucas yelled, but he was gone when we entered a small office. We saw Mia and Zoe on a monitor screen!

"Mia. Mia!" Ethan called.

"She's alive." That was Zoe.

"Where are you?"

"On the docks. Hurry!" Then the monitor switched to Lucas.

"Well now. Ethan!"

"The f--k do you want?"

"You. Dead. But I guess that's not in the cards...not yet."

"Lucky me. What's your game?"

"Now that's spoiling Ethan. And I don't do spoilers!" Then, he gone, leaving Ethan muttering under his breath. We retrieved our gear, then left the room.

"Come on. Let's go get the girls." Ethan said, as we lowered the bridge and headed for the docks.

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