Chapter 14: A Family At Last

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Ethan and I laid on the ground, exhausted and in pain. It sucked falling from about three stories above the ground! We then noticed a ton of helicopters flying over us, and men in specialized gear coming to the ground. One of them went over to Ethan and took his helmet off.

"Hey. I'm Redfield. I'm glad we found you." He said, putting a hand out to Ethan and helping him up.

"The f--k took you guys so long?" He asked. The man, Redfield, walked over to me then, and I began to shake. Was he going to put me in another lab?

"Hey there, Kid. Are you Ellanor?" He asked.

"Please don't lock me away in another lab, Sir! I'm not like Eveline, I swear!" I cried. He helped me stand next.

"Hey, take it easy Kid, I've read the Connections information on you, I know you aren't a threat." He said. I frowned a little.

"The who?" I asked.

"The Connections. They're the group of scientists that created you and Eveline. They have everything on you in a file, and I was briefed about you and your sister before coming in. I just wanted to make sure that you were safe. I'm Chris Redfield." He said, and held out his hand. I shook his head, a little shyly.

"Well, you already know that my name is Ellanor...but Ethan calls me Ellie." I said. Chris smiled at me.

"Come on, Ellie, lets get you and Ethan checked out." He said. I followed him and Ethan, limping slightly, and got on the helicopter. The medics on the helicopter went to work bandaging me, and they gave Mia, who was already on the helicopter, a blood transfusion.

"Mia, you made it! I'm glad!" Ethan said, taking her hand.

"Did I?" She asked. Then, Ethan turned to me, and held his arm out, and I took the offered hug, curling into his side.

"We all did." He said. Ethan held me tightly to his side, allowing me to snuggle into him. Was this what it felt like to have loving parents? If so, I could get used to this! "Hey, Ellie, when we get back to the home, we'll have to fill out all the legal documents to adopt you. Would you like us to change your name?" He asked. I frowned a little.

"Can I think about it?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course, Hon. Let's get the hell out of here first." He said. Between the warmth I felt from Ethan, the safety I felt in his arms, and the constant humming of the helicopter blades, I fell asleep.


Once we made it back to home, the three of is were checked into a hospital. When the three of us were cleared to go home, Ethan and Mia took me to their home in Texas. Mia took me shopping and got me all new clothes. They let me decorate my room with whatever I wanted. I found that I really liked the color green, so Mia picked out a pretty canopy for over my bed and some light green fairy lights. Once my room was done a few months later, Ethan and Mia led me inside, with my eyes covered.

"Okay, you can open your eyes Ellie!" Mia said. They moved their hands, and I opened my eyes. My jaw dropped. My room was painted a light green with the canopy and fairy lights Mia and I picked out earlier. The comforter on my bed was pink with panda bears on it, and there were posters of the superheroes I had found that I liked all around the room. There were stuffed animals on my bed, and a giant stuffed dragon in the corner of my room, as well as a laptop sitting on a desk, and a bay window where I could sit and read!

" guys did all this...just for me?" I asked. They nodded.

"Sure did, Kid. We signed the papers yesterday. As of today, you are officially our daughter. Which brings us to our next question. Do you want to change your name?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. I wouldn't know what to change it to." I said. They looked at each other and smiled.

"We might have a suggestion." Mia said.


Unfortunately, we only got two and a half years there. When we learned that Mia was pregnant, Chris had Ethan take military training, then he uprooted us and moved us all the way to Romania. I had a hard time with that, but Mia and Ethan made it easier by deciding to home school me. When I found out I was going to have a little sister, I was ecstatic! Mia and Ethan even let me pick out her name: Rosemary. We would call her Rose for short. I never had to use my Mold again, and frankly, I never wanted to. As far as I was concerned, E-002, or Ellanor, had died at the Baker Estate. The girl who came out? Her name was Raina Winters, the daughter of Ethan and Mia Winters...

...If only I knew that Raina would have to face the same horrors that Ella faced...but she'd face them and anything else the world had to throw at her, if it meant Rose's safety. I would crawl to the ends of the Earth to protect my sister. Even if it meant reliving the torture Eveline had imposed on me. Watch out Miranda. I'm coming, and hell's coming with me!

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