Chapter Five: House of Horrors

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I sighed. Mia was fighting Evie's infection so hard! I looked at Ethan.

"I know what's wrong with her." I said. He looked at me.

"You do?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. But I can't explain it to you now. It wouldn't make any sense to you now and would be too confusing. Hopefully I can get you out of here before you have to find out." I said. He nodded, and we went for the brown door, but it was locked. We then began heading back towards the basement. Just as we were about to walk around Mia's body, she stood back up, like she was possessed, and grabbed Ethan!

"Leave me!!" She growled, throwing him through the wall! I saw an axe on the end table in the hall. 

"Ethan!" I called, and tossed the axe, making sure it landed close to him. He grabbed it and stood.

"Go!" Mia growled again, grabbing a wooden spike from the wall and charging Ethan. he began to fight her, finally ending the fight by shoving the axe into her shoulder. She fell to the ground, seemingly dead. Ethan walked out of the room, distraught.

"She's not dead." I said. He looked at me, confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed, shaking my head. 

"You'll see." I said. He was still confused, but then the phone started ringing. He answered it, and I waited for him by the hole in the wall. He came back over.

"We need to get to the attic." He said.

"We'll need a fuse then. I think there's one in the cabinet in the kitchen. I heard the family talking about it a few days ago." I said.

"Family?" He asked. I sighed.

"Hopefully, you won't ever have to know." I said, and we heard a door click open. Mia was gone, and she had left through the previously locked door.  "I told you." I said, and we headed through the door, coming into the living room area. We went into the kitchen, and the adjoining hallway. Ethan used the bolt cutters to open the cabinet, and there was the fuse! I grabbed it, and as we made our way back into the kitchen, we saw Mia limp by the door! We quickly got the fuse in place, and headed for the stairs, but then Mia jumped out at us! She grabbed Ethan's left wrist.

"Ethan? Ethan, it's okay, it's me! I know you didn't mean to hurt me..." I didn't trust her. Then, she grabbed Ethan and held him against the wall. "But you shouldn't have done that!!" She then pushed him against the other wall. "It freaking hurt!!!" She screamed, as she shoved a screwdriver through his hand! I screamed in horror. She went over to the stairs to grab something, and I quickly knelt down, trying to get the screwdriver out. "Now, let's see what you feel!" I heard a chainsaw rev up, and I began trying to move the screwdriver more frantically.

"Ellanor, move!!" Ethan shoved me to the ground, and screamed as Mia cut his hand off! Then, she picked him up and threw him to the ground!

"Must...contain...outbreak...I promise! Must burn it all down!" She said, as she walked away. I crawled over to Ethan. 

"Ethan! Ethan, are you okay?!" I asked. He groaned as I helped him stand up.

"Let's just get out of here." He said. We headed up the stairs, and I pressed the button, bringing down another set of stairs that led to the attic. We walked up them, where we found another med kit and a gun, Ethan took the gun, and the sets of bullets we found. "Okay, fine..." He mumbled, then turned back to me. "Come on, we gotta get out of here." He said. I looked up at him.

"We?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course, we! I'm not leaving you here, you're a kid. You're not staying here." He said. I nodded, shocked that he was so quick to take me in. We went out to the main room, where a ladder led to a small door to get out. Ethan started to climb the ladder, but I was quick to hear the revving of a chainsaw!

"Ethan, get down!!" I screamed, and grabbed his shirt, yanking him down from the ladder, then pulling him away. Mia burst through the door, chainsaw in hand!

"Ella, get behind me!" He yelled, and aimed his gun at her. I stayed behind him as he took her down. Finally, she fell to the ground.

"" She said. I took a deep breath and sighed. Ethan and I looked at the, now destroyed ladder. 

"I think we can stack some boxes, then climb those to get out of here." I said. Ethan nodded, and I began moving the boxes into place. However, I stopped, when I heard Ethan yell! I turned quickly.

"Welcome to the family, Son!" Jack had shown up, and knocked Ethan to the ground, then stomped on his head! Next, Jack came over to me. "You're in trouble now, girl!" He said, then did the same to me, knocking me out.

*  *  *

I groaned, opening my eyes and looking around. I was seated next to Ethan, in a chair in the dining room. My wrists were strapped to the handles. The family, except for Zoe, was seated around us, eating...eww!! 

"Rise and shine, Sleepyheads! It's time for supper!" Marguerite said.

"What the...who are you all people? Where's Mia?!" Ethan asked. Marguerite slammed her down on a bug, then proceeded to eat it!

"Eat it! It's good!" She said. 

"Dumb son of a b**** wouldn't know good if it hit him!" Lucas said, throwing his plate at Ethan!

"Lucas!" Marguerite said, as Jack stood, walked over to Lucas, and cut his hand off! This was horrifying! I couldn't believe what Eveline had down to these people! 

"Get out the way, Marguerite. That boy's got to eat! He's got to have his supper!" Jack said, coming over to Ethan, and trying to feed the stuff they called food to him. He spit it out.

"Oh shit, oh shit, he's not eating it, Jack, he's not eating it! I made that for him!"

"Shut the hell up, Marguerite!" She stormed out the door, mumbling and angry. Jack turned to Ethan.

"This was supposed to be a very special feast. Come here, boy!" He growled, taking his knife, and shoving it at Ethan's face! I cringed and looked away. Then, we heard a doorbell.

"I bet it's that cop again!" Lucas said. Jack growled, then looked at me and Ethan.

"I'm coming back for you!" He said, then followed Lucas out, shutting the doors, and locking us in the dining room.

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