Chapter Nine: Bug Mama

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(A/N: So, I'm obviously going to write a sequel to this story centered around Village. But, I want your guys' opinion on something. Do you think Ethan and Mia, when they officially adopt Ella, should change her name? As Ella is short for Elanor, which is the name she was given by the Connections. Would it sound better for them to change her name, as a way of signaling that she's free from the lab and her old life? Or should her name always be Ella? I'd love to know your thoughts!)

We hurried into the trailer. This was where Zoe lived to try and stay as far from the family as possible. She wasn't in there, but I didn't think she would be. We looked around, but didn't see any clues that would send us onto the next area. We turned to leave, but just as we opened the door, the phone rang! Ethan answered it.

"Hello?" I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, and looked around. I found a photo of the family when Lucas and Zoe were just kids. I flipped the photo to the back and saw that Zoe had written something on the back.

'It's too late for them.' I turned the photo back to the front and sighed. They looked so happy back then. It made me feel awful for what Evie had done to them. I heard Ethan hang up the phone, and I put the photo down and went back over to him.

"Where are we headed?" I asked.

"The Old House. Do you know where it is?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's close by." I said. He nodded, and we headed out the door.

"Any reason why Zoe said she hopes I can handle her Mother?" He asked. I snorted. 

"You'll find out. Suffice to say...she's gross." I said. We hurried over the path and soon into the Old House. You could tell that it hadn't been inhabited by anyone in a long time. There were giant bugs EVERYWHERE. I shuddered. "Eww...I hate bugs!" I muttered.

"You and me both, kid." Ethan responded. We walked through the door straight ahead of us, and immediately took notice of the writing on the wall.

'She's upstairs, don't go up!' Mia must have written this. As we turned the corner, we were horrified to see giant bugs nests attached to the walls!

"Ugghh this is bad!" I moaned. We continued out of the room and down the hall. "So what did Zoe say that we were looking for?" I asked.

"A serum of some kind. It's supposed to clear your sister's infection out of their bodies." He said. I frowned. A serum that would clear out the infection? I don't remember the scientists saying anything about that...the only thing that came to mind was the E-Necrotoxin, but that was only to kill Evie or I. It couldn't cure the infection...could it? I pulled out of my thoughts when we entered another door...or tried to, anyway. Marguerite showed up on the other side of the door!

"Stay the f--k out!!" She yelled, slamming the door shut then covering it spiders! I jumped away quickly, I hated spiders! However, Ethan got rid of them with a flamethrower!

"Woahh...where'd you get that??" I asked. He smirked at me.

"When you were stuck in your own little world, I found the pieces to make it. Come on, Ella, let's go." He said, and opened the door, then took out the bugs nest that sat over a vent. We crawled in and came to a set of stairs. We went down them, and through another door. We came to a room divided by a fence, and found the statue we needed to activate the shadowlock!

"Ethan...Ella?" We turned to our right and saw Mia come into the other side of the room.

"Mia!" I cried and ran to the fence. She came over to it too.

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe Ella! I was so worried about you both!" She said. Ethan came up behind me.

"No more bullshit, Mia! I want some answers!" He said. She shook her head a little.

"I know, and I always wanted to tell you, but I can only remember a little and the rest is just gone!" She said, but then Lucas came out of the shadows and grabbed her.

"Hey, uh, Daddy, right? You mind if I borrow Mommy for a little bit?" He dragged Mia to the open door, then stopped. "Well don't just stand there. Do something!" He said.

"ETHAN HELP!!" Mia cried, as Lucas dragged her out the door.

"Damn it!" Ethan yelled. 

"Hey, we'll find her. They can't go far. They can't even leave the property." I said. He looked down at me.

"How do you know?"

"Evie wouldn't allow it. She'd kill them before she'd allow them to leave. I said. 

"Geez..." He muttered. We went back up the stairs and to the room with the shadowlock. Once it was unlocked, we began making our way through the wall. As we were doing that, a bunch of millipedes began falling on top of us!!

"Ew nononononono I don't like this!!" I cried. We got out of the wall quickly and came out on the other side of the main hall, where we first entered the house. Ethan went down into a hole and came back up with a crank that would raise the small bridge in here. We went up to the second floor, and saw that the door was locked, so we walked across the bridge, and found the key on the other end of the Old House. Once we went to go back up to the second floor, Marguerite jumped us!

"I told you to stay out of here!!" She screamed, grabbing us, and throwing us to the ground floor. However, when we landed, the floor gave way and fell into a small tunnel! Ethan took care of Marguerite quickly, and she fell into the hole with us. We quickly climbed out, and made our way to the second floor. When we unlocked the door and walked in, we saw a small black box sitting on a table. Ethan walked up to it, then his watch beeped and the box opened. It said to make the serum Zoe was talking about, we'd need a D-series head and arm. What the hell? 

"I think this is it!" He said. Zoe called again, and said that she already had the head, we just needed the arm. After we hung up, we went to search the rest of the second floor, but it was locked, and we'd need Marguerite's light to unlock it. So, we went back to the hole in the floor, and saw her light sitting on the ground. Suddenly, a long arm reached out from the tunnel, grabbed it, and pulled it away! Ethan and I hopped into the hole, just in time to see Marguerite crawling through the hole like a freakin' spider!! "What the f--k? That's special!" Ethan said, and I snorted. 

"That's one way of putting it!" I said. We followed her through the tunnel and into another house. Once we entered it, I shuddered. I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. As we made our way up the stairs, I suddenly got a very bad feeling. "Dad, look out!!" I cried, grabbing Ethan's shirt and pulling him back down the stairs and onto the floor with me, just as Marguerite, now fully mutated, lunged at him through the window! She backed out, and Ethan and I stood. We hurried up the stairs, and were soon confronted by Marguerite. And we learned where all her bugs nests came from..."Oh lord, this is terrible." I muttered. Thankfully, Ethan put her out of her misery. He grabbed her light.

"Do us a favor, and stay dead!" He said. I shook my head a little.

"I hope she can finally rest." I said. With that, we got out of the house, and headed back to the second floor of the Old House.

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