Chapter 27: I Hate Everyone But You

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Song: I Hate Everyone But You- Elita

Draco's POV

I awoke startled and confused. It was the first time I dreamt about her, at least the first of dreams that I remembered.

The dream felt so real that it was difficult and strange to grasp that it was fictitious. Getting out of bed was even more difficult.

It was now dawn and the memory of the dream began to fade slightly but still ran through my mind. We were insulting each other and screaming, nothing out of the ordinary I thought. But I couldn't recall the meaning of the yells or what was said, except for one phrase she uttered. I wish now that I didn't remember it so vividly.

"I wish I had never met you," she said. Next thing I knew I was in my bedroom wide awake.

For all I know, the dream could be a sign that I ought to treat her...better. Nicely maybe. That would pose a challenge, to say the least. She could be so aggravating. But I was willing to try, I didn't want us to fight, I wanted to be forgiven. I reckon It's about time I started acting like someone worthy of it.

Once I finally got out of the warm bed and dressed, I headed towards her dormitory. Much to my surprise, this morning she didn't need me to wake her. She was already walking down the stairs lazily. Her dark auburn loose curls were a bit messy and her pleated short skirt was filled with dark cat hairs. She looked at me right in the eyes, accidentally I presumed because she turned away quickly and began to head downstairs faster.

"Good morning," I said with the utmost difficulty as she arrived at the bottom of the oak staircase. She looked at me strangely and ignored the politeness. No wonder she was such good friends with Loony Lovegood, they're both socially impaired.

"Alright then," I followed her. As usual, we headed to the potions classroom silently. All the while I was trying to come up with something nice to say. I never needed to be nice to get what I wanted, in fact, it was quite the opposite. It took about two minutes before I came up with,

"Did you sleep well?" I asked awkwardly. She turned around and her eyes screamed "What are you doing?" without her having to utter a single word. At last, she responded dryly and unimpressed.


I know I barely tried but she was not in the least helpful. My annoyance built up. I couldn't help but be a little mean, even when I was trying to be nice.

"You look...decent," I affirmed, eyeing her up and down. I liked the French headband she wore, she seemed to be fond of it. Was she making an effort? For me? That seemed so stupid it made me laugh. 

"Wow Draco, you really have a way with words," was her only reply.

Her under-eye bags and barely buttoned shirt made her look messy and tired. It was hot. If it were up to me, I would have pushed her against the stone-cold wall of the corridor and given her a few reasons to forgive me. But I was trying to be polite.

"I wanted to say 'not so ugly' but I thought decent was better."

"Always a gentleman," she said. If only she knew the vulgar thoughts that circled my mind whenever I looked at her.

Gabe was waiting for us at the dark wooden door of the potions classroom with the cauldron at hand. He was a first-year student I convinced to help us out, he was scared of me and would do anything I asked of him. I told him to hide it in his dormitory. It was so simple that it worked. No one would suspect a first year of conjuring up such a complex potion and if they did, and he was caught, no one would suspect it was us. He knew he was done for if he snitched.

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