Chapter 14: Pride

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Honey Whiskey - Nothing But Thieves 

Tear You Apart - She Wants Revenge


The smell of burning wood filled the faint common room as the ruby novel I pretended to read earlier became increasingly more tedious. Lately, tediousness and monotony were my most loyal companions, never failing to abandon me. They made the autumn shades in the skies and trees drain away, and left each surrounding face more and more unrecognisable.

To make matters worst, sleep was a luxury I didn't seem to afford these past few days. The anxiety of failing my exams was growing more and more pervasive. Not to mention, my father's voice in the back of my mind ordering me to be of assistance to Umbridge, and hence the ministry, this year was becoming harder to ignore. I felt the pressure on my shoulders creeping in, though he never wrote and was miles away.

The words of the decaying novel were now blending together, making each blink slower than the last. I gave in to my tiredness, shutting my eyelids for a few seconds and praying it would ease my mind.

But all I could seem to focus on was the sound of her melodic voice replaying in my restless mind.

I'll tell you where Dumbledore's Army meet everyday after classes

I hated to admit it, even to myself, but she impressed me. I assumed after seeing her with Looney Lovegood she was hopeless but I could've been wrong. Maybe she had potential...maybe she would finally give the serpent emblem she wore meaning.

But, then again, that seemed highly unlikely considering she completely hated us. You see, she had now become a mystery to me, one far more interesting than the words on the worn-out novel. Sure, her behaviour was certainly unexpected.. but why could I not get my mind off of her? I'd never expanded so much effort to understand someone in all my life..

I felt on edge and wary as if there was some hidden danger here I was falling to see. I could not afford to find Y/N interesting, she was a distraction from what I really came here to do. Help the ministry like my father always told me to since I came of age.

I told myself she was merely a puzzle my mind tried to solve out of boredom. Nothing more. My reaction to her that night two weeks ago was perfectly normal, anyone of my age and sex would understand my predicament. It was an instinct of my hormonal body, one I felt I was loosing control over with each passing day...

Before I could ponder any longer, the sound of shy footsteps on the worn out wooden staircase made my tired eyes open abruptly.

She made her way downstairs slowly and on edge, worked up about something but I couldn't pin point exactly what. I figured it had to do with Pansy but they were never that close... and besides, Pansy always envied her.

The girl was carrying a warm blanket grey as stone and sighed deeply upon the sight of me, completely laying across the viridescent furniture with my head resting on one of its arms.

I pretended she wasn't there and continued to try to make sense of the tiny words in front of me, moving my lips to mouth each one.

She sat on the velvet antique chair by the crackling wood of the fireplace and placed the weight of her head on her palm with her elbow pressed against one of the arms of the chair. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell she rolled her very own, frustrated with the fact that I was simply here. Reading.

The feeling was mutual. I was equally as annoyed by her presence, by her very own existence. Couldn't she have been placed literally anywhere else?

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