💔Flower Petals☁️ |ShalnarkxHanahakireader|

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Its already the 7th week of school and theater auditions for our first school play are Tuesday so pretty nervous. This year is already going by quick! I have a feeling by the time this chapter comes out it'll be around my birthday so I kinda wanna do another Qna for it so feel free to ask me questions again so you can ask anything about me!

Chapter Checkin- have you drank any water today? Go drink some water even if you have! Have you ate anything today? Go eat something if not! Have a good day and I'm proud of you!

Thank you for requesting:rhizomeexe

Pronouns: They/them


I hope you enjoy!

~shalnarks POV~

Y/n has been acting weird lately.. it kinda feels like they've been avoiding me.. or kinda distancing themselves from me atleast..

It all started a couple of weeks ago right after a mission. The gang, Y/n, and I had just finished another successful auction robbery and we were celebrating my drinking in the hideout when Y/n said they were gonna go home a bit earlier since they weren't feeling good.

I offered to walk them home but they declined pretty quick then left. Ever since then they've been hanging around everyone else more then me.. I'm kinda annoyed by it but it's probably just my imagination nothing to worry about.. right..?

~Y/n's POV~

I'm currently resting on my bed. I live in a rather nice apartment on the nice part of city its on the 13 floor and is just under the penthouses so it's a bit larger then the lower apartments. I don't have any wanted pictures of me and nobody knows I'm a spider.

It all started a few weeks ago. Not long after the gang and I finished a mission we were having a small party when I started feeling a bit sick.

I didn't necessarily feel sick at first it was just a small pain in my chest but I just kept aching more as the night when on until I felt like I was going to vomit which is when I left.

Shal offered to walk me home but I felt it was a bad idea. I still remember the conversation we were having when it happened.

Shal was going on about how he was completely depvoted to the troupe and working as a spider and that he wouldn't let anything or anyone get inbetween him and his job. That's when the pain in my chest started and hurting and rapidly got worse.

Feeling like a was going to vomit I excused myself to the bathroom and I started coughing. It felt like there was something stuck in my throat and I ended up coughing so hard that it came out.

It was a F/F petal. I didn't understand why I coughed up a flower petal at first. I thought maybe it's was in my beer and I didn't notice it when I swallowed.

I tried just to shrug it off for the time being and just go home. I told the gang that I was leaving earlier since I was feeling under the weather.

I did feel a bit better after the petal was coughed up but not entirely. When Shal offered to walk me home that's when I felt that something was stuck inmy throat again and I told him I'd be fine and left alone.

The entire walk home I felt nauseous and a bit light headed. When I got home I felt so terrible that I just decided to go to bed even though I'd normally stay up on after mission nights to see the news about the latest Phantom Troupe destruction just to admire our work.

Shalnark x Reader Oneshots 💜💛💜 [Might Not Be Writing Again]Where stories live. Discover now