☁️Princess☁️ |Protective!Shalnark x Reader|

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I'm so happy and excited to write this book like I REALLY love Shalnark. He best boy.

This story includes: Fluff

Thank you for requesting: Me :3

~3rd person POV~

Currently you and your boyfriend Shalnark were out shopping at the local mall.

You were about to leave when Shal said he had to use the restroom. You were sitting on the water fountains edge just scrolling through your phone patiently waiting for your loving boyfriend when you heard someone call out to you.

"Hey! What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone in a place like this?" You heard a male voice say. You look up to see a creepy looking man starring at you with greedy eyes.

You instantly got really uncomfortable making you stand up. "Um.. I'm waiting for my boyfriend..." you said grabbing your bag.

That's when Shalnark came out of the bathroom.

~Shalnarks POV~

Who's that with Y/n? Why does she look so uncomfortable? Why is he even trying to talk to her?

Many questions rushed through my mind as quickly made my way over to my princess.

I didnt exactly go to her because I wanted to know what was going on so I stood slightly behind a pillar just close enough to be able to hear their conversation.

"Boyfriend you say? Tch. You dont need him. What a pretty lady like you needs is me! Come with me and I'll show you a great time!" The man said.

For some reason this really pissed me off. How could he have the audacity to talk to her like that?!

"Um. No.. P-please leave me alone!" I heard Y/n say clearly uncomfortable. "I'm not gonna tell you again come with me..." the man said grabbing your right arm.

~Y/n POV~

"H-hey! Let go of me!" I yelped trying to get out of the mans tight grasp. I quickly look around to find nobody in sight. 'Where the hell did everybody go!?!' I thought to myself.

He started pulling me harshly forward that's when I felt his grip loosen just to see a fist collide with his face.

He fell to the ground harshly and I turned to see a pissed off Shalnark. He looked at me worried and cupped my face.

"Princess are you okay!? What did he do to you?!" He asked worriedly. I hugged him tightly which caught him off guard.

"I'm fine Shal.. I'm just glad your here" I said nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck smiling softly. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist. "Good.. I dont want anyone hurting my princess.. let's go home love" he said taking my hand leading me out of the mall.


Once you got home you both flopped into the couch and ended up cuddling for the rest of the day.

Oh dear lord I love him so much 🥺

Shalnark x Reader Oneshots 💜💛💜 [Might Not Be Writing Again]Where stories live. Discover now