New Life... With two girlfriends

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After the night of gaming and experiencing the sheer badassery of the goddamn Doom Slayer and the hellish heavenly music of Mick Gordon himself, Y/n went up to his bedroom and grant the two ladies their request, when he opened the door he was greeted by a sight that made him smile. In a wholesome way of course.

Rias and Akeno were already sleeping, they both got tired of waiting for their beloved to finish his gaming session they decided to sleep, cuddling in each other's arms their hair all over the bed and sleeping soundly, their ample chests rose every time they took a small breath and fall when they exhaled, basically they both looked so cute and wholesome.

After taking a quick shower to cool down and changing into his sleeping clothes, which just consists of boxer shorts, he went to the bed and laid with them. Now usually when Y/n would go to sleep with the girls, he would be at the center and them being at either side of him, but seeing as both of them are already knocked out cold, he decided to sleep at the side of the bed. 

He went beside Rias and snuggled himself into her back, feeling how smooth her skin is and covering them with the blanket, Rias was basically sandwiched between him and Akeno. T'is a good life, not gonna lie. And Goddamn, y'all are lucky having two beauties all to yourself.


Y/n wake up from a very comfortable night, he slowly opened his eyes and felt a hefty yet soft weight on his left side, he looked to see a ball of red, his vision was still quite blurry after his eyes adjusted to the light, the ball of red was actually a head, Rias' head to be exact. He looked his right side, the place where Akeno was supposed to be and only saw an empty space.

Y/n: Must be making breakfast.

He was going to sleep again until he felt Rias move and shuffle around, she looked up at Y/n and smiled.

Rias: Good morning~

Y/n: Mornin'

Y/n stretched the sleep out of his body, as today was a weekday, which means school, damn it. They laid there for a while until Rias got on top of Y/n straddling him, and damn ain't it a sexy sight.

Rias: You know Y/n there's still time, do you think something sexy would help deepen communication with my servant?

She kissed Y/n's forehead while pressing herself on the young man.

Y/n: Eehh I don't know, we kinda have school ya know?

Rias: It's ok, I'm sure my father wouldn't mind us missing a few classes. And don't worry, I'm willing to do anything as long as it makes you happy.

She held both Y/n's cheeks when she said those things.

Y/n: That's sweet and all but isn't it me who supposed to be doing that? I mean I literally saved you from a wedding that's basically a prison.

Rias: I know, that's why I love you, you're so sweet.

She bent down and captured Y/n's lips in a kiss, both of them were about to go further until there was a knock at the door and it opened revealing Akeno wearing nothing but a apron.

Akeno: Breakfast is rea-- Oh my~ What do we have here?

Rias: Wanna join in on the fun Akeno?

Akeno: Only if Y/n wants to~?

Seeing no way out of this situation, Y/n just sighed at accepted his predicament, well not really a predicament more like a literal blessing.

Y/n: Screw it alright, Akeno take that apron off and come here.

Akeno: Oh yes~!

She eagerly took her apron off and ran to the bed to join in on the fun. The only thing that was heard in the room was the sounds of skin slapping, lips smacking and the moans of Rias and Akeno.


After at least 4 hours of activity, that's right at least 4 goddamn hours of the fun they had, they were finally walking towards the school, with Akeno and Rias holding on to Y/n for support because they couldn't quite feel their legs.

Rias: You didn't have to go all rough on us you know.

Rias still had that faint blush on her face. it's the same thing with Akeno as well. Well, she has that blush on all the time if I'm being completely honest. 

Y/n: What? I wasn't even going all out, I mean I haven't broke a sweat it was the both of you that was doing most of the work anyway. I just had to relax and make a move when the opportunity came.

Akeno: Either way, we had fun thanks to you handsome~

Akeno gently caressed Y/n's jaw and kissed his cheek, surprising and making the strawberry hair-colored princess jealous, quite jealous.

Rias pulled Y/n close to her and also kissed his cheek, the other one that is.

Y/n: God, these girls will be the death of me. Well, that actually ain't a bad thing.

They finally arrived at school, they were walking in a slow to moderate pace because of Rias and Akeno wobbly legs, but nonetheless they finally arrived, they missed the entire morning periods. Thankfully Rias' dad excused us and we continued on with our classes.


Kiba was acting weird when they were out on a mission, Koneko got injured but it's not really his fault, Y/n could see that he had many things going through his head especially that time when he saw Issei's photo album, with a little girl and a sword behind them.

Y/n was currently laying on his bed after a day of the usual stuff, you know going to school and after that fighting other beings. He was waiting for Rias and Akeno, both of whom took a shower together, they offered Y/n the chance, but politely turned the offer down, he didn't want to get all hot and sticky late into the night.

After drying their hair and changing--no, getting butt naked, they climb into the bed and let themselves lay comfortable at either sides of Y/n.

Rias: Goodnight Y/n.

Akeno: Sweet dreams~

Y/n: G'night girls.

They closed their eyes and went to sleep, not ready for the multiple surprises that await them tomorrow.


Hey hey people.
Short chapter I know, sorry, I made this during my free period and had to skim through 3 episodes to write these. Was going to write them here but that's for the next chapter.
I had nothing to do and was getting bored of the free period so I decided to write something instead of doing nothing, the rest of the stuff is going to be in the next chapter. 

Plus there wasn't really anything interesting that happened so that's why it's a short chapter.
But hey our boy Y/n, that's right YOU, got two of the hottest girls to ever exist, ever. And their simping for you, ain't bad.

Anyway enjoy the new chapter. 

Oh and a bit of foreshadowing, during the kokabiel fight, something bad will happen, and out from that bad thing, something awesome is going to happen so stay tuned.

-Eldritch (*'∇`)ノ

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