Ain't Nothing but a Peanut

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Aight, a bunch of shit just went down these past couple of days, members of the church suddenly arriving and helping with devil business, which is kind of weird if you really think about it. Some asshole fallen angel named Kokabiel suddenly arrived and said that his going to start another great war, this time humans are involved whether they like it or not, they don't care if humans are just caught in the crossfire or collateral damage, he's going to start it no matter what. And that freaky exorcist Freed is back, with creepy borderline pedo-looking priest is also here. 

Currently we were outside the school after Rias and the other created a barrier around it in order to minimize damage around the area and limit it only to the school, I mean hell, they can rebuild it back in a snap of a finger, so it's not really a problem. The problem is Kokabiel being more powerful than they thought. At least for Y/n.

Y/n: Damn! This guy is stronger than I thought!

Rias: Be careful Y/n! Kokabiel is a leader class fallen angel, he's more powerful compared to the others, it would take more than us to take him down.

Y/n: Then I'll just have to punch a bit harder.

Y/n clenched his fist and lunged at the fallen angel with immense speed, even Kiba couldn't see him lunge at Kokabiel. Y/n got close and punched Kokabiel square in the jaw sending him back and crashing into the school builiding.

Y/n: Pretty sure you guys can just rebuild this using magic right?

Kokabiel stood up from the rubble from the looks of it, it ain't so good like there wasn't even a scratch on him, he just stood up and dusted his robes off and he still has that shit-eating grin of his.

Kokabiel: For human you're pretty strong, but it doesn't matter because all of you wil-

Y/n: Yeah yeah, save the 'imminent destruction' speech for later, I still gotta beat your ass. And who the hell is Baraqiel? Know what, answer that later.

Kokabiel then started yet another speech much to Y/n disappointment, but this time Y/n actually listened, it's about the great war and how the angels and devils were ruined and driven to the brink of extinction that they had to rely of humans in order to replenish their numbers, so the number of pure bloods were basically dwindling. But the thing that piqued his interest most is that God has been confirmed, dead.

This broke both Asia and Xenovia, they devoted themselves to the one being that created it all and did everything under his name, only to find out now that he dead, a long, long time ago. In fact, the person that was doing God's work was the archangel Michael all along, he isn't taking God's place just that he is substituting for God, forever.

Y/n: Damn, he really is dead. Anyway.

Y/n got into a fighting stance and readied himself to beat the chicken out of this bird brain.

Y/n: You know I'm really interested in martial arts, no matter how outlandish, bizarre or just plain weird they are, I'm interested, because behind those weird movements and philosophy, is a technique that is effective, you just have to know it right.

Kokabiel: Even if you have countless years of martial arts experience you're still human and therefore can still die from one blast of my magic.

Y/n: Ya didn't let me finish asshole. Recently I've been interested in this african martial art, called Dambe, where one hand acts as the spear and the other a shield. The fighters wrap their dominant hands in a thick rope, sometimes they put resin in their wrapped hands and dump it in broken glass. It's kinda like boxing, but more, more brutal. The fighters come out with injuries such as a broken jaws, ribs, dislocations, hell even a concussion.

No Mither (Male reader x Highschool DXD) [Rewriting] {HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now