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I might as well do this while gaining motivation-

Aftercare: He'll cuddle you for a while before asking if you need something a minute or two later, if you require food or water he'd be more than happy to get out of bed and get it for you, even cooking your favourite foods.

Body: He loves every part of your body but mainly your curves and chest.

Cum: He'll pull out of you and cum over your thighs or stomach, though if you want him to he'll skip the pulling out.

Dirty Secret: He's always wanted to tie you up and give you a facial.

Experience: He doesn't have any experience besides from what he's seen on the internet.

Favourite Position: He loves any position where he gets to stare down at your face while being able to touch your sensitive spots.

Goofy: He doesn't joke around during the act but at the end of it he can throw a couple of jokes in during and after the afterglow.

Hair: He likes getting his hair pulled during when he's really into it and if you're okay with him pulling your hair he won't hesitate.

Intimacy: He's more intimate than you'd think but when he believes your comfortable enough (or if he knows 100% that you like it) he'll get rougher.

Jack Off: He jacks off whenever you're not around, he's pretty horny most of the time.

Kink: He has a bunch of them but his master kink, bondage and sensory play are the main ones he's really into.

Location: He's willing to do it anywhere, the main place you do it is in the bedroom.

No: He will never do anything without your consent.

Motivation: He loves it when you bake with him and get icing or cream over yourself and when you make perverted jokes/comments back to him.

Oral: He prefers to give you oral, it makes him feel good to know that he's pleasing you.

Pace: He likes to start off slow but always ends up getting rougher and faster, he likes to start of with a romantic sort of thing.

Quickies: He doesn't enjoy them as much as longer, full sessions.

Risks: He doesn't take many risks but if he feels like there's a smaller chance of getting caught he'll do it with you in public.

Stamina: He can go for 3 rounds maximum but if he has 'encouragement' of sorts (a.k.a aphrodisiacs) then he can last a little longer {3-5 rounds}.

Toys: He'd definitely use toys on you, teasing is a huge part of the want to do so.

Unfair/Teasing: He teases you whenever he gets the chance, if he feels like you've been good then he'll lay off the teasing.

Volume: He's pretty loud in bed, heavy breathing and moaning, he's a little quieter when topping though.

Weird Facts: He 100% wants to get pegged by you (Female).

X-ray: He's 6 inches when he's at his hardest.

Yearning: He has an incredibly high sex drive.

ZZZ: He only sleeps when he knows that your asleep and taken care of.

Teruteru x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now