Teru Headcanons ♥️

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•He's a Pansexual Demiboy.

•Cuddles are everything to him, he's basically a teddy bear.

•He has a huge fear of the dark so you either have to sleep with a nightlight on or one of those things that project light in shapes of stars onto the ceiling.

•After watching a horror movie you can guarantee they're not letting go of you for a while.

•He doesn't like any bugs but will act tough in front of you if there is a bug.

•They have slight heterochromia, one eye is a dark brown while the other is a lighter shade of brown.

•If he takes a nap without you around he'll cuddle up with a pillow and fall asleep, a couple of times you've come home to see him fast asleep, his face nuzzled into your pillow.

•They adore it when you volunteer to help them out with cooking, even if you mess up, they don't mind as much.

•"Horny Jail" is the corner of the bedroom furtherest away from the bed.
He visits that corner a lot.

•If He's exhausted from working all day (overworked probably) he likes to get cuddles from you by laying on top of you and using your chest as a pillow and your arms as a blanket.

•There is nowhere he feels safer than with you.

•When you wake up in the mornings the first thing the small chef does is kiss your cheek to see if you're awake, if you are he likes to climb on top of you and cuddle you to where you can't get out of bed, if you aren't awake he gets out of bed to go make you breakfast to then serve it to you in bed.

•Teru has a somewhat childish side to them, when they're embarrassed, overwhelmed by love or feels teased, they act childish.

•Teru does not like to leave your lap alone, if you sit down for 2 minutes he's in your lap without a doubt.

•The guy is just super affectionate all around.

•He doesn't watch much Tv but he will remember your favourite shows and even watch them/rewatch them just to make sure that you always have something to talk about (Same with video games).

•He always has new dishes for you to try.

•He doesn't like using microwaves that much, he feels as if his meals should be made fresh and properly.

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