Scenarios 4 💚

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(I'm sorry I'm doing a lot of these I'm just doing these for filler while I get ready to finish up another actual Oneshot)

Morning texts + if you don't respond:
Cute Pervert❣️: Good morning my dear~
You: Morning Teru
Cute Pervert ❣️: How are you this morning?
You: Well I got a good morning text from my favourite pervert so I guess I'm doing pretty good
Cute Pervert ❣️: Aww, You really do love me don't you Y/N~
You: How could I not, we've been dating for how long now?
Cute Pervert ❣️: That is true
Cute Pervert ❣️: So, will I be seeing you later, pumpkin? maybe I could give you a little "something" ;)
You: If you play your cards right, maybe ;)
Cute Pervert ❣️: I'll do my best then dear. See you in a little while, mon amour~ I love you
You: I love you too Handsome
Cute Pervert ❣️: Good morning my dear~
{10 minutes later}
Cute Pervert ❣️: Darling?
{5 minutes later}
Cute Pervert ❣️: Y/N? Are you awake?
{5 more minutes later}
Cute Pervert ❣️: Honey? Are you okay?
Cute Pervert ❣️: Sweetie?
{2 minutes later}
Cute Pervert ❣️: Y/N, You're starting to worry me, you're always awake by now!
{30 seconds later}
Cute Pervert ❣️: I'm sorry if I intrude darling but I'm coming over.

When you get hurt:
He first freaks out because you've been hurt but after he calms himself down he tries to take care of the injury the best he can before making you go to bed (no matter how severe the injury is, it could be a scratch and the smallest bit of blood visible would cause him to freak out) he would then make you food and cuddle up to you.

He tries to impress you:
He mainly tries to impress you with new dishes he's working on, sometimes it's sentences in french, he loves it when he does manage to impress you though, especially with his food, it makes him incredibly happy to know you, in particular, like his cooking because the reason why he got into cooking was for his significant other (that's canon in dangan island mode)

When someone else hits on you:
It takes him a second to catch on to the fact that someone else is hitting on you but the moment he does realise it he starts going full southern mode, yelling at the person until they leave, he really doesn't like people who blatantly flirt with you.

What he does for your birthday:
He of course makes you a fancy birthday cake and he makes you feel as special as he possible with affection, sweet words, compliments and overall making you feel like royalty, he tries his best to get you what you want and of course he likes to dance the devil's tango with you in the morning and the end of the day.

'Helping' you study:
When you have to study and Teru offers you help, he does well for a couple minutes but then he tries to get cuddles and attention from you (he's a really cuddly person if you haven't noticed by now) if you tell him to focus since he's supposed to be helping you study he gives you puppy dog eyes and and clings onto your arm until he eventually convinces you to cuddle him.

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