Scenarios ❤️

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Bedtime habits/Cuddling:
Teruteru commonly likes to shower you in affection before you guys cuddle, he'll give you a bunch of kisses, calls you cute pet names, pets your head, runs his fingers through your hair, will remind you a bunch of how much he loves you and will overall just make you feel great about yourself. When it is time for you to cuddle he's the small spoon, he loves being enveloped in your arms, it makes him feel safe, if he's ever the big spoon he tries to get as close to you as possible and leaving small kisses on the back of your neck while you drift off to sleep.

How he comforts you:
Teruteru is quite caring for you, he'll sit down next to you and cuddle you, if you aren't in the mood for cuddles then he'll simply lay his head in your lap or on your shoulder, telling you sweet things and holding your hand, brushing his thumb against the back of your hand or kissing it while smiling up at you, he'll remind you of how loved you are and if you start to feel a little better he'll have you lay down in bed while he goes to make your favourite food and takes care of you, even if you don't like to be touched when your upset he'll figure out a way to make you feel happy again.

When he's jealous:
Teru doesn't like to admit it but he gets pretty jealous of people who get too close to you, if someone approaches you he'll eavesdrop and watch the two of you, you notice this most of the time due to how obvious it is but even then, he'll deny it and tell a corny joke to deflect the situation.

Out of the entire DR cast he's most jealous of: Twogami and Kazuichi, Twogami due to the fact that he can humour you if he really tries and Kaz due to the fact that if he's having one of his freak outs he tends to go to you first, even so much as seeking comfort in you as your one of the nicer people he knows.

His names for you:
❤️Mon amour.
❤️Mon ange.
❤️Mon trésor.
❤️Mon chou.
❤️Mon Chéri.
❤️Ma Belle.
💕Kitten. (Bedroom)

Your names for him:
💙Baby Boy.
💙Cutie Pie.
💕Master. (Bedroom)

What he likes about you:
He likes a lot about you but your smile, eyes, laugh, sense of humour, dirty mind and somewhat daring nature are things that he likes in particular, he knows that if he flirts with you in a perverted manner that you won't overreact or get grossed out but instead you're more likely to laugh at his attempt or even go along with it.

Your contact names:
Teru's for you: "My Precious Y/N💕"
Your's for Teru: "Cute Pervert❣️"

When he's embarrassed:
He tries his best to avoid you seeing him blush so he flirts with you to try and push the embarrassment onto you, with the mediocrely high chance that it doesn't work he'll grow silent and just try to hide his face from you.

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