School Surprise and "Mean Girls" 😒

687 32 5

July 1, 2021
| 4:04 PM GMT |
real life

Lee walks to the school's doors, eyes stuck to his phone but still expertly dodging people.

He's used to it by now, what with his need to read every free moment he has. You learn skills when you stubbornly read while walking, after all.

Unfortunately, he can't dodge someone who wants to run straight into him.

He sees pink heels on the ground, just behind his phone, and knows instantly who this is. Lee rolls his eyes and prepares his sanity for this dumbass wannabe Regina George.

"Ugh, get away from me, Covid girl. You're ruining my aesthetic just by standing there."

Lee sighs, sticking his pinky into his ear to show how little he cares for her aesthetic.

Without looking up, he says in his most deadpan voice, "Aw, shucks, I'm so sorry, Lily. You're so pretty, Lily. I'll get out of your gorgeous way, Lily."

He stepped to the side and started to walk past Lily and her friends, a wannabe Gretchen Wieners and a surprisingly accurate Karen Smith, reading again.

Before he even gets past them, Lily is gasping dramatically. Lee can see in his peripherals how a lot of people stopped to watch their resident "Mean Girls" mess with him. Like these rip-offs can emulate the trio in the movie. Fucking lmao.

"Don't be sarcastic with me!" Lily exclaims, her tinny voice grating Lee's ears.

He really could be reading right now.

Sighing, Lee finally looks up at Lily, taking in her bleached blonde hair (not even conditioned properly, the fucking audacity), plus all the goddamn pink on her. Literally all of her clothes are pink, plus that pink bag she's carrying, and her makeup is also pink. 

Don't get him wrong, Lee loves pink. He thinks it's a great alternative to violet, but seriously. Moderation, dude. This girl looks like a toddler picked out the worst parts of a Barbie doll and stuck it on a girl with Regina George delusions, and then decided, 'hey, everything is PINK!' It's mental.

"Sorry, did you want me to be honest?" Lee snarks, patience running thin. He doesn't have the time for this, he needs to get to Toby's and officially meet Nate. Also, his fanfics are waiting.

Noticing something on Lily's face, Lee says, "See, I thought people don't like being insulted, but if you insist, then you've been missing an eyelash for god knows how long."

Turning around and ignoring Lily's screeching and fake Gretchen's scrambling to help, Lee hasn't even stepped out the door when he hears a familiar voice.

"That was savage, dude."

Looking right out the door, Lee sees an actual giant at the top of the steps by the entrance. Beside him is Tom and Toby, looking shocked and smug respectively.

"You showed her, Lee!" Toby says, punching his shoulder lightly.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Lee asks, smile giving away how happy he actually is. He walks down the steps, the three boys following.

"What, so you didn't want to meet me?" The giant, Nate, teases. Lee rolls his eyes in response.

"I did, bitch. I meant why are you in my fucking school?"

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