Stream Pog

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Minor TW: There is going to be mentions of injury here, but there isn't anything graphic. I should also probably go back to the sprain chapter and put a trigger warning there, too.

Anyway, so the TW starts at "A second of silence and then they hear a faint, "I'm fine!" from Lee." and ends at "Then they hear a soft, "Putangina."" Though there's still mentions of band-aids/plaster after that, but I'm not sure if it warrants a trigger warning. Just tell me if it does!

July 1, 2021
| 6:34 PM GMT |
real life

They did not, in fact, go back to Lee's place. Which would have been a problem if the boys hadn't actually stopped by his house to get his stuff before visiting his school. 

Lee's a little sad that he didn't get to say goodbye to Phil, but he can always just call the older man. And at least this way they have more time before the stream.

Plus, Phil let them bring Hades.

(The dumbasses didn't put him in a pet carrier. They just plopped him on a seat in Toby's dad's car and drove to Lee's school. The poor cat was terrified.)

Anyway, so here Lee is, in the kitchen while the other guys started setting up the stream.

He's just trying to make cereal, but someone put the fucking cereal box on the top shelf. The top shelf that is, in fact, more than a little too high for Lee's 4'11 ass.

Lee is going to murder either Nate or Tommy. Maybe both. Maybe even add Toby. He's not ruling out that gremlin bitch.

Glaring at the cereal box, Lee decides to fuck it and climb the counter. 

(Of course. Because the last time he climbed something, it ended well.)

Ignoring his mind's warning, Lee climbs the counter under the shelf slowly, knees and hands braced on it. Heaving himself over, he manages to find a stable enough foothold and push himself to stand.

It is not, in fact, stable.

Note to self: do not wear socks if you plan on climbing marble counters.


(third person pov change? idk, but we're moving to mainly Tommy's limited view)

Meanwhile, like every gremlin friend out there, Tommy has already started his stream.

"-So introducing the special guest of today's stream!" Tommy points at Ranboo standing behind him, wearing his mask and shades. "We have Ranboob!"

Chat goes crazy. Well, chat's been going crazy since the beginning, so not much change. Suddenly Tommy looks around, as if searching for someone.

"Has Big L not come back yet?" He asks, raising a brow at the two boys now sitting beside him. 

Tubbo shrugs. "He might not know where the cereal is." Turning to Ranboo, Tubbo directs the question at him nonchalantly. "Where did you put the cereal?"

Ranboo stays silent, sinking into his seat a little. It's pretty comical when you think just how much his legs prevent him from going down without sliding off the chair itself.

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